“I don’t know. Do you want to know?”

“I want to know if you want to know.”

“That’s so much pressure, Drew!”

“Sorry, I–“ He runs his hand back through his hair.

The technician clears her throat. “How about I count to three and then you both say what you want?”

That sounds…almost right. “What if we don’t agree?”

“You can take that to couple’s therapy.”

I gulp. “Fair enough. Sound good to you?”

Drew nods. “I’m ready when you are.”

“Alright, in one–”

Drew stops her. “Wait.Onone or–”

“It’s neveronone!” I hiss.

“Okay, okay, fine! Sorry I asked.”

The technician begins again. “One…”

God, do I want to know? Am I ready to know what we’re having?


I’m still adjusting to a baby at all. A perfect, genderless bundle of joy that doesn’t need to be anything but healthy. Do I need to throw the gender in there right now?


Go time.


Drew and I look at each other as if we’ve just spoken from the same voice box. Then, relief.

“Surprise it is. I’ll get your pictures printed and you can live in blissful ignorance until you change your mind or baby is ready to meet you.”




We walkhand in hand down the beach. We had some time to kill between our appointment and our dinner reservation. We’ve been basking in the glow of a good report from the doctor and the anticipation of our baby’s birth. Already. I don’t want to rush it, but leaving the gender as a surprise is going to make that day even more special.

“So, I got some good news at work today,” Drew says as an ocean breeze dances through his hair.

“You’ve been with me for several hours now and arejusttelling me this?”

Drew runs his hand through his beard. “Listen, this afternoon was about you. I didn’t want to dim that with my stuff.”

“There’s always room for your stuff, D.”