“Much sooner than that,” I say firmly. “Much, much, much.”

Victoria looks up at the house with a placid, supermodel smile. I don’t know what a supermodel smileis, but it’s the one Victoria wears at all times. “You think it’s big enough for you three?”

My heart flutters at being described as a trio. For the rest of my life, there will be the three of us. I can’t wait.

“For now,” Dana answers.

I do a double take. “Fornow?”

She laughs, hooking her arm in mine. “Well, there’s only two bedrooms. If we want to have guests, they’re going to have to take the couch.”

“Don’t be cagey, Dana,” Amy says with a sly smile. “We know what you’re really getting at.”

“Oh, stop that,” Dana hushes her sister.

I look at Kira with a raised eyebrow while Amy and Dana start to squabble. She chuckles and shakes her head. “She has four sister, Drew. You didn’t really think you’d be getting away with having just one kid, did you?”

My head feels like my brain has disappeared, a lightness dizzying me. Only for a moment. “Let me get my bearings with one first, huh?”

Kira snickers and grabs me by the shoulder. “You got it.”

In theory, I’d give Dana anything. In practice, thinking about another baby before this one is even earthside makes me feel faint. One thing at a time.

As if Dana can read my mind, she grabs my arm and whispers in my ear, “Don’t listen to her. The house is perfect.”

It is a pretty perfect house. I bought it when I finally became a lead at my company. I never anticipated sharing it with someone else, let alone Dana. Let alone the baby I’m havingwithDana. It will serve its purpose.

But Dana’s right. Someday soon, we should find a place forus. A house we choose together to raise our family in. Not my bachelor pad.

“Who’s that?” Victoria asks, looking over her sunglasses toward the street.

We follow her gaze toward a black car that I would have to sell my soul to the devil for by the looks of how expensive it is.

Kent quirks his eyebrow. “Expecting more company, Drew?”

“Oh,shit,” Kira says in a whisper.

The driver gets out of the car and opens the back passenger door. A familiar dark-haired man steps out. I think I’ve met him. Wynters, right? Has a weird first name. What is it?

“Is that Orlie?” Dana murmurs, trying to get Kira’s attention.

Right. Orlie Wynters. I met him only briefly when Hunter invited all us guys to join him at his private social club last summer. He seemed nice enough if you believe ice cubes have personality traits.

Kira straightens up and clears her throat as Orlie approaches. He’s in a full suit and tie, holding a manilla folder, sunglasses shielding his eyes.

“Well, that’s a tall glass of water, huh?” Victoria says.

I see Kent’s body stiffen and his cheeks go red.

“Did you…invite him?” I ask Kira.

She puts on an irritated smile and says through clenched teeth, “No, of course I didn’t invite my robot of a boss to the family Easter,Drew.”

I look at Dana with wide eyes. She pats my arm gingerly. “Stressed.”

“Hi, Orlie. What are you doing here?” Kira says.

“Pardon me for interrupting,” Orlie says in a voice so deep it makes me seem like I haven’t even hit puberty yet. “Ricks, good to see you.” He nods toward Hunter.