There’s more to this story. I’m not willing to take Willow’s word for it, especially when she has me cornered in a parking lot.

“Just be careful. He seems all sweet and nice. But he’s selfish. He does what he wants when he wants to. Doesn’t stick around for too long. Especially when things get hard.” She shrugs. “But what do I know?”

What does she know indeed. “Did you follow me here?” I ask.

Her face contorts angrily. “No, what the fuck? You think I’m a stalker?”

“You’re texting my boyfriend and waiting by my car. That feels kind of in the realm of–‘”

“You’re not important enough to stalk,Dana,” Willow spits.

I clench my jaw. There are a million things I want to say, but all of them will just escalate the situation to impossible degrees. I push past her and go to my door. “Well, thanks for letting me know.”

“You’ll do what you have to do, won’t you?” she asks after me.

I dare to look back at her. And the sight makes me sad. Her face is full of hope. She wants to be with him so much. Or the idea of him.

But I love him. Everything in her head is a story. I have the reality.

“Willow, you should know that Drew and I are going to be having a baby.”

The hopefulness fades. Her mouth falls ajar. “What?”

I immediately regret telling her. If Willow is unhinged, who knows what she might do to me. To Drew. To our baby. “Hey, if you want to talk to someone about how you’re feeling, I know some–”

Willow shakes her head and walks off quickly, disappearing through the labyrinth of cars.

I hurry into the car and lock the doors, my hands shaking as I put the key in the ignition. I shouldn’t drive like this.Deep breaths, Dana. Take a beat. Reset.

So many questions are swirling in my head.

One: how did Willow find me?

Two: what were those texts really about?

And three: what will get her out of my fucking life?

Willow has faded into the background for me since Maldives. But clearly she hasn’t for Drew. And while I find it truly hard to believe he’s entertaining her text messages with any semblance of interest, I can’t help but be cautious.

I’m having his baby, for god’s sake.

I thought I could trust him. Fully. Without looking like a total schmuck.

Now, Willow has just thrown in my face that Drew has secrets he hasn’t told me. I was foolish to believe I knew him better than anyone just because I’ve been his counselor. Everyone has secrets. No one can be trusted.

Not even my own mother.

So, how am I supposed to trust a man?

Answer: I shouldn’t.

I run my hands over the steering wheel, back and forth, feeling the grooves against my palms. It’s centering in a strange way.

I have me. I have my sisters.

And I have my baby.

Whatever happens, this baby is mine, truly and fully. And I’ll make a beautiful life for them. They will be able to trustmewithout question. Always.