“Dad’s going to cry, you know?” Gillian says carefully.”

“Grandpa will cry?” Jessica reiterates, her lower lip pooching out.

“Grandpa always cries,” Stella says dryly.

“Stella,” Gillian admonishes.

I hang back as I usually do, waiting for things to get out of hand enough for me to step in. Mostly, though, I feel like I shouldn’t get in the way. My dramas have always been quiet and internalized. And even though I’ve been the center of attention since announcing my pregnancy, I’ll always be the eldest sister meant to keep the peace.

It’s clear Amy is thrilled to be moving in with Hunter. They’re engaged after all. “I’ll be right next door. Dad will be fine,” Amy says.

“Yeah, but now you’ve literally doomed me to living at home the rest of my life,” Kira says.

“Doomed you? You love Dad.”

Kira rolls her eyes. “Not the point.”

“You can leave, Kiki,” Harley says.

“I can’t! Leaving Dad alone in that house? It’s–”

“Sad,” Stella finishes.

Gillian snaps at her little girl once more. “No one has children expecting them to stick around.”

“Besides, maybe if you leave, that will start a new era for Dad,” I say with a shrug.

“What kind of era?” Amy asks.

I look at Kira. “I mean…he should get out there. Find someone to–”

“Auntie Victoria…” Kira finishes my thought way, way ahead of schedule.

“Oh, no. Grant would hate that,” Harley says, and then smiles devilishly. “We have to make it happen.”

We spend the rest of our meal chatting about plans to get Dad and Victoria to realize how perfect they are for each other. At every major family event, when Victoria is in town, the two of them hover around each other the whole time like security blankets. Just like Drew and I have been the past two years. It’s a match made in weird domestic heaven.

And we’re determined to make it happen.

* * *

I duckout of lunch just a little early. I’m feeling exhausted, which I know I should expect given that I’m creating a whole human, but man, it’s inconvenient.

As I walk to my car, I run my hand over my stomach. I’m starting to fill out ever so gently. Both Drew and I can tell. I place my fingers on the lower part of my belly where I first started to feel a firmness and smile to myself. It’s becoming more real by the day.

My car is tucked behind a gigantic pickup truck which is going to make backing out of the spot an absolute nightmare. Thank god for backup cameras.

When I round the truck bed, I’m surprised to find someone leaning against the trunk of my car.

And not just any someone.

“Hi, Dana.”


“What are you…” I trail off, keys dangling in my hand.

“Saw you and your sisters inside. Didn’t want to interrupt but thought you and I could chat for a bit,” she says with a smile that’s feigning pleasantry.