“You should nameyour baby Stella. After me.”

I smile at Stella as I stab my fork into my salad. She insisted on sitting next to me for our sisters-and-babies lunch outing and has been regaling me with a list of name options the entire time. “After you, huh? Wouldn’t you be upset that you weren’t the only Stella in the family?”

Stella frowns. Her green eyes roll up as she considers this. “Fair point. I’ll think of some more names.”

“Stella…” Gillian says warningly from across the table. “Baby names are very personal. If I had taken suggestions, your name probably would have been Prudence.”

The little girl’s face twists in disgust. “Prudence?!”

“I thought it was a nice name,” Amy says with a shrug.

“Yeah. Sure you did,” Gillian laughs. “No subtext at all with that one.”

Amy ignores her and focuses on cutting Jessica’s plateful of spaghetti for her.

“I can’t believe I’m going to be the only one without a baby,” Kira says with a shake of her head.

“I know. Who wouldn’t want this?” Harley asks as she pats Tana on the bottom over her shoulder. Tana has been alternately peaceful and completely inconsolable through our meal.

“Harley,” Gillian chides.

Harley smiles and shrugs her shoulder. “You know I’m just kidding. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.”

“Except for me and Jessica,” Stella says.

“Yeah, except for us.”

“We’re perfect.”

“Mmhm. Sure you are,” Gillian says.

Stella snickers. She’s getting to that age where her sense of humor is really coming out, and apparently she can take a little teasing, just as much as she can dish it out.

“Is the food bland enough for you, Dana?”

I glare at Kira and she smiles to herself. I am not quite as good with the teasing as Stella is. Never have been, but now I can blame it on being pregnant. “Rude.”

“Well?” Kira eggs me on.

“Yes. It’s perfect.” Never gone wrong with a Caesar salad.

“Announcement, announcement, announcement!” Jessica suddenly cries out in a sing-song voice I have to believe she learned in preschool. She looks up at Amy lovingly. The two of them might not be related by blood, but you’d never know it. I’ve been out with them on several occasions when Amy is legitimately complimented on how much Jessica looks like her. Amy blushes and takes the compliment and I know she loves it.

“That’s one way to get our attention,” Harley says, Tana now slobbering on her shoulder.

“Well, I have some news.” Amy shakes her chestnut hair out of her face, her upturned nose making her look proud and elegant. “I’m officially moving in with Hunter and Jess.”

“Shocking no one,” Kira grumbles under her breath, loud enough for only me to hear. She might be working a lot of the time, but I know she’s not eager to be our father’s only roommate.

I make up for Kira’s despondency with a big smile. “That’s wonderful, Amy. When?”

“As soon as possible!” Jessica chirps. “That’s what Daddy said.”

Amy pushes some hair from her soon-to-be adopted daughter’s face. “Well, I haven’t told Grandpa yet…but yes, as soon as I can.”