“She’s blushing. Quick, change the subject,” Harley says teasingly.

I glare at my little sister and she simply beams in response to me. God love them all.

“Well, we have a tentative launching date for the Seton Lot. We are aiming for a grand opening for the playground early next year,” Axel says with a pleased smile.

“Wow, that’s great!” Drew says, leaning onto the table.

Axel chuckles. “Yeah. We figure it should be around March, so that we take the time to make sure all is safe and built as sturdy as can be. We want it to be the best park there is and we are working hard for it. It might be a bit longer than we wished for, but slow and steady wins the race, right?”

The corner of Drew’s lip perks up. I want to kiss that corner, feel the scratch of his facial hair. But one kiss always leads to more with us. Another, another, another, then the clothes are off and then we’re diving between each other’s legs, wishing for more and–

“God, you’re obsessed with him,” Amy says, nudging my arm.

I blush again, even harder this time. Part of me wishes I could keep it together and not look like such a lovesick dummy. But I am a lovesick dummy. And the part of me that loves being one always seems to win out.

“…a big concert and outdoor picnic. Get the kids involved,” Axel goes on, talking about whatever opening day plans he has for the playground. Gillian is listening with rapt attention although I’m sure they’ve discussed this ad nauseum. She’s proud of him and I’m proud of her for that. They’ve come a long way since last summer. Not even together a year and I’ve seen a major change in both of them. Axel, certainly, going from single guy to father in the blink of an eye. But Gillian too. She’s not gripping quite so tightly, not trying to control everything.

“Seton must love you for that,” Hunter says.

“You bet they do. And I’m sure there’d be a place for Jessica if you wanted to admit her,” Gillian responds with a broad grin.

Hunter shakes his head gently. He might look like the lax surfer type, but he’s a hotel magnate through and through. “We’re going to go private, but thank you for the offer.”

Gillian could certainly afford to send Stella to a private school, especially now that she and Axel have matching wedding bands, but she’s still the free spirit we know and love. “Suit yourself. More playground for us,” she says with a shrug. “What about you two? Where is Tana going?”

“Tana’s not even one!” Drew says with a gape.

“We’re on a waiting list for Harcourt,” Harley answers, ignoring Drew’s interruption.

He looks at me with shocked eyes. I shake my head and shrug. “Private school is nuts,” I say with a meek smile.

“It’s for security purposes, of course,” Grant says, clearing his throat. “She’ll have to go private in order to assure that. Given my visibility.” Grant’s running of Infinium certainly makes things complicated when it comes to normalcy for their daughter.

“Plus, if we start sooner than later for Tana, then we’ll have an open door for the next baby.”

I choke on my cognac and not because it burns like a mother. “Next?!”

“Oh, my god. You’re pregnant?!” Gillian gasps, grabbing Axel’s arm.

Harley waves her hands through the air. “No, no, no, I’m not–”

“Next baby, Harley.Next baby,” Amy says adamantly.

“I know what I said! Yeesh! You all are like hungry tigers when it comes to syntax and word choice, huh?”

I look to Grant for more of an answer. Harley can be edgy, especially when she thinks we are purposefully misunderstanding her.

He laughs slightly and then flushes. “We’re not opposed to another child, that’s what she means.”

“We’retryingis what I mean,” Harley says, conceding.

I smile, although there’s a slight pang in my heart. Harley and Grant are already starting on their second baby and I’ve had a boyfriend for two weeks. I have so much catching up to do and I don’t know how I’m going to do it.

“I never understood why people tell other people they’re trying for a baby,” Amy says with a sniff of the air. “You might as well just tell us you’re all going to bang when you get home.”

“Okay, we’re going to bang when we get home,” Harley says.

Amy spits out her drink, thankfully away from the table so none of us ends up in the splash zone.