I have to earn that.

Besides, words don’t compare to the way I feel softening inside her. No rush to leave. Nowhere to go.

All we have to do is be here and now.



It comesas a surprise to no one that Drew and I are now officially dating. There was no use keeping the secret since my entire family has been encouraging it for nearly the whole two years we’ve been friends.

“About time!” Kira announced and went to pick out a very expensive bottle of champagne after I had managed to corral all my sisters and dad into the family home for our monthly breakfast.

It’s hard to take things slow. I mean, two years is slow enough. We’ve gotten to know each other so intensely through that time that our relationship just seems to easily transition into romance. The only added thing is the sex and that is a major benefit.

Okay, not the only added thing.

It’s all the little things too.

The touches, the kisses, the way we can openly look at each other lovingly and not be afraid the other might catch us.

So, after two weeks of our newfound relationship, it only makes sense that we’re looped into date night.

And since it’s our first date night with my sisters and their partners, Hunter has gone all out, clearing out the entire restaurant at his luxury Malibu resort so that we can have an incredible view of Point Dume while we drink entirely too expensive cognac and eat canapés topped with caviar that make Drew gag.

“I feel a little bad we’re all here without Kira,” I say, chewing on my lower lip.

“Oh, don’t feel bad. I invited her,” Amy replies. “She sends her regards.”

“That’s a kind way of putting it,” Harley says with a sneaking smile. “I recall the exact quote as, ‘I hate being the third wheel let alone the ninth. Hard pass’.”

Gillian tosses her hair out of her eyes and leans back in her chair, looking at Axel beside her. “I’d say I could set her up with one of Axel’s friends, but–”

“All my friends are already taken,” Axel says with a knowing look to the table.

I smile to myself; this is what I’ve been craving. Intertwining my life with those of Amy, Gillian, and Harley. I felt peripheral until now. All of them growing up and starting their own families, bandying together like it’s a little club. I know I had to earn a membership. And I know they hadn’t meant to exclude me. But man, does it feel good to have a membership.

“What’s that smile?”

I snap out of my haze and look at Drew. He’s leaned over toward my ear, a curious smile on his lips.

“What’sthatsmile?” I ask in response.

He leans in and kisses the lobe of my ear. “Asked you first.”

“Oh, my gosh, you two are so sweet it’s sickening!” Amy claps her hands together, clearly not sick at all.

I blush.

“I bet you’re kicking yourself over how long it took to get here, huh?” Grant asks in his low, warm voice. Harley elbows him, but they share a tender look.

“I have no regrets over how long it took,” Drew says clearly and takes my hand under the table. “Otherwise, it wouldn’t feel as good as it does.”

Gillian wipes fake tears away from her eyes. “I’m going to cry.”

“Enough about us,” I say. It’s a little overwhelming to be the center of attention. I haven’t been the center of attention since I was the only Solace girl. That was barely a whole year of my life before Gillian came on the scene. Then, as I got older, all I did was shove my sisters into the spotlight, celebrating them, supporting them, making sure the spotlight stayed off me.

I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to handle it. Luckily, though, having Drew at my side makes it way easier.