I toss my phone down on the bed and slink up behind her, winding my arms around her body and pressing my nose and mouth into her hair. Deep breath.

“What shampoo do you use?” I ask.

Another laugh. “Is that really what you’re thinking about right now?”

“Foreplay,” I reply.

Dana’s head dips back onto my shoulder, her lips twisting toward mine. “We’ll have to work on that.”

I kiss her. Our lips click apart, that cinematic smooching sound. Perfection. I run my hands down her front, feeling the ridge of her ribs, then the softness of her belly, the juts of her hips.

Her breath hitches before her lips land on my jawline. My eyes flutter shut. How am I going to make love to her when every move she makes causes my mind to go blank?

Her hips continue to idle back and forth, back and forth, grinding against my crotch as Marvin Gaye croons through the speakers. Her lips turn into a smile against my face. “Should we finish what we started in Maldives?” she asks in a whisper.

“I’m not the only one who has been thinking about that, huh?”

“No, not at all…I would have probably had you right there if we hadn’t been interrupted.”

I gasp playfully. “You would not.”

Dana shrugs, giggles.

“You’re naughtier than you let on, D.”

“You bring it out of me.”

My eyes fall onto her lips. Bitten raspberry. I want to kiss her forever.Foreverforever. I want to know every peak and valley of the crinkles of her lips, learn them as if it’s a language. Because it is. I want to be the only person in the world to speak the language of Dana.

I clasp the fabric of her dress in my hands and kiss her again with the purpose of letting her know what to expect of me. Depth. Passion. Commitment.

I’ve been committed to Dana since the second I left our last session. I didn’t know if I’d be able to keep her in my life, but by god, did I try my hardest. She became my best friend. And privately, I nursed the crush which eventually turned into…

I love her. I always will. But it’s not time to tell her that. We’ve only just begun. And I need to keep things realistic. Maybe we’ll pull back the curtains and despise each other.

However, I don’t think that’s going to happen, especially once Dana begins shoving down the waistband of my pants.

Without breaking our kiss, I stumble back toward the bed. I sit on the edge, clumping her dress up around her waist and hurriedly trying to push her panties down. Dana clumsily does the same, but with her hands behind her back, it’s harder to control her movements.

“Fuck, I’m hot,” she huffs raggedly and tears her sweater up over her head, revealing the thin silk bodice of her dress. Her nipples are erect through the fabric. I can’t help but lick my lips.

I slide my hands up to cup her breasts, massaging them tenderly as I press my hips up into her backside. “Dana…” I sigh into her shoulder.

She slides herself back and forth until my naked member settles into her delicate chasm. “You’re big.”

I hum in laughter. “Don’t lie.”

“I don’t lie.”

“You lie in a motherly way. Like in the way mothers think their children are beautiful.”

Dana glares over her shoulder at me. “Fine. You’re tiny.”

I flush. “Okay, I take it back. Lie.”

Dana grins. “I wasn’t lying, I was–”

I take her by the waist, reposition myself under her, and sink the head of my cock inside. She gasps, her body tensing, then relaxing onto me. Dana straddles my lap wider, grabbing my knees for leverage, and sinks down onto me.