“I am ready, Drew. I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”

I lean back and pound my fist to my head.Fuuuuck. “The whole Willow thing–”

“Wasn’t fair to you.”

“Made thingscomplicated.”

Drew hesitates and then says, “Because we slept together.”

“No, not that. Well, notjustthat.” I look at the clock. Ticking down minute by minute until my next client is supposed to arrive.Say it, Dana.“Okay, I’m just going to–” I huff in frustration. “Don’t you feel like we’ve been like…circling–”

“Thank god you said it, because I was way too scared to say anything.” Drew stops. “Wait. Circling what?”

I laugh. “Like…something more. Than friends.”

“Yes! Oh, thank god. That’s what I thought you were going to say. I wouldn’t have wanted to assume, but–”

“You’re talking too fast, Drew. Slow down.”

“Sorry, sorry.”

I can hear his breath through the phone. Nervous. But steady.

“Let me take you on a date.”

I feel every word I’ve ever known leave my brain.

“Or, sorry, that’s a little fast, isn’t it?”

No. Yes. But no.

“Your birthday is coming up. What are your plans?”

“I’m, um, nothing yet.” It’s still a week and a half out. Last year we had a big bash for my thirtieth and this year, I wanted something quiet, which to me will mean just a dinner in with my sisters and dad.

“Okay, then I’ll take you out for your birthday.”


“Unless you don’t want me to and you were bringing up the circling thing just to say that we should stop circling, in which case, well, I’ll have to go bury my head in the sand out of embarrassment, but–“


“Sorry, sorry.”

I close my eyes. Imagine him as if he were in the room with me. Drew is usually a pretty smooth, laidback guy. But the moments he gets flustered are divinely adorable. Flushed faced, tongue almost visibly tied. I wish I could reach out and touch him. Comfort him. “You can take me out for my birthday.”

A heavy sigh. “Thank god.”

“No gifts, though. I still owe you your Christmas present.”

“No gifts, yes. Promise, promise.”

That is an empty promise if I ever heard one.

“The flowers really are beautiful,” I say. “And I’m sorry you’ve felt the need to send them to me because I’ve been–”