I grapevine to the right, stop and stomp. Dana jerks to stop after me.

“It’s okay, you’ll get it.”

Grapevine the other way, stop and stomp. She gets it this time.


I walk her through the rest of the dance. There are others watching me and picking it up themselves. And eventually, by the fourth go of it, Dana doesn’t need my hand to guide her. She’s got it all on her own.

“It’s electric!” I shout along with the music.

“Boogie-woogie-woogie!” she calls afterward.

Kent sidles up to me, dancing along to the music a little off-beat. “Ah, my favorite couple! Dancing my favorite dance!”

“Dad, don’t be so obvious,” Dana scolds.

Great.Allthe Solaces know.

And if all the Solaces know, then it’s only a matter of time before they start trying to shoehorn this fake relationship into a real one.

Maybe it’s wrong of me, but there’s no way in hell I’m going to stop them.



When I getout of bed, it hurts to put my feet on the floor.

“Ah! Shit!”

“Mmgh. What is it?” Drew grunts, his voice muzzled by what sounds to be a pillow.

I try again, softer this time. There are blisters all over my feet from my strappy shoes, and my calves are so sore I feel like they’re about to lock up. “Nothing. It’s fine. Go back to bed.”

“No, I’m up. It’s Christmas, after all.”

I glance back at Drew from rubbing my calves. He’s pushed himself halfway up out of bed, hair all mussed and pushed in different direction, eyes squinting in the morning sun.

Man, the things I would do to this man.

“Um, just my calves. All the dancing.” I push myself up from the bed. Have to get away from him so I don’t do anything stupid. The bottoms of my feet ache, zinging pain up to my knees. “A-a-and my feet. Fuck.”

“You want me to rub them?”

I turn toward him as slowly as someone would toward a strange sound in a horror movie.

“Sorry, is that weird?” he asks with one eyebrow popping upward.

“Yeah. Rubbing my feet as my not-boyfriend would be weird, Drew.”

He shrugs. I admire how resilient he is. I am admittedly being a bit of a jerk, especially after how much fun we had last night. “When do we have to be in the suite?”

“Brunch is at ten.”

Drew glances at the clock on the nightstand, red number blaring the numbers eight and zero and two. “I’m going back to sleep, then.” He collapses back into the mountain region of pillows just north of the sea of blankets.

I sigh, thinking how nice it would be to crawl in next to him. Push my face into his neck. Inhale deeply.