“Seems like an awful lot of work for one person, don’t you think?” Axel asks, taking a sip of his whisky.

“It’s not just Willow. It’s also everyone else not in the family.”

“Wait,the familyknows?” I ask.

Dana rolls her eyes. “If one Solace sister knows, they all follow. And now that there are boyfriends–”

“Husbands!” Axel says. He wraps his arm around Gillian’s waist and beams. “Husbands, actually.”

“Husbands,” Dana acknowledges. “You know, it’s all on a need to know basis.”

“Except it seems like everyone needs to know,” I reply with an eyebrow raised.

Dana smiles, although there’s no happiness in it. “You’re the one who decided to lie to your ex-girlfriend that we’re a couple at my sister’s wedding, so–”

“Well, your sister is the one who decided to put my ex-girlfriend in the wedding party,” I reply.

“Which, for the record, I regret,” Gillian says. “She’s been nothing but a pain in the–”

She’s interrupted by the searing squeak of mic feedback. We all turn toward a stage that’s been setup at the back of the cabana. Grant is standing at a mic, waiting for it to calm down. “Good evening, everyone. I hope you’re enjoying celebrating the happy couple.”

Gillian and Axel nuzzle together and exchange a look of what can only be described as love and makes me desperately miserable.

“Gillian, I’ve known you longer than I think any of us would like to talk about, and it’s been an honor being in your life and officially part of the family. And Axel, welcome to the Solace fold. I know it’s overwhelming, but you’ll catch on faster than you think.”

The room laughs politely.

Dana subtly moves toward me, bobbing her shoulder.What?

“I could stand up here and give a whole speech, or I could just get to the point of why I’ve interrupted cocktail hour.”

“Wrap your arm around me, doofus,” Dana whispers.

I do it faster than she can blink an eye. With her tucked under my arm. I feel like we must look just as good as Axel and Gillian do.

“So, as a wedding gift…”

I glance around the room to see if we’re being clocked. Most everyone is staring at Grant, waiting for him to get off the stage. Except one person.

You can probably guess who.

Willow’s eyes are like ice on my skin.

I ignore her and instead trace my thumb across the skin of Dana’s shoulder. She glances at me but doesn’t tell me to stop.

Grant clears his throat. “I’d like to welcome, Hanna Call and the Strangers to the stage.”

That’s a jumble of words I don’t even know what to do with. However, from Gillian’s reaction, I can tell it’s a big deal.

“What?!” she screams. “No!”

Axel grins.

“Did you–”

“Grant’s idea, I swear!”

The two lovebirds head off toward the stage where a scraggly group of musicians are assembling. “Who…”