His weirdness is suddenly quite charming. I’m making him nervous. I’m standing in the way of the bathroom and he’s just seen me naked. Now I’m some sort of mythical creature he’s afraid to make eye contact with. Medusa but without the turning to stone part. “Drew…”


“Stop being weird and talk to me.”

“I don’t want to say it.”




He tightens his hands on the ends of the towel around his neck. “I don’t want to make things weird.”

“They’re already weird. Just say it.”

Drew’s eyes fall again and this time they settle right in mine. He looks like he’s in pain. “If I look at you, I’m going to think about y-your breasts.”

My face flushes. “You saw my breasts?”

He nods in shame.

I smile crookedly. How can a full-grown man that looks likethatget so flustered when he sees a woman’s breasts. “What did you think?”

His eyes widen.

“I mean–”Oh god. Backtrack. That was weird. I couldn’t help it, though. He’s here and I’m here and he saw my breasts and now I know he’s thinking about them. “Sorry, that was–”

“Nice, they were nice. I mean, they were…” Drew gulps. “Really nice.”

I purse my lips, trying not to smile like an idiot. Guys have seen me naked before. They’ve enjoyed my breasts before. So, why is it making me feel stupid in the head that Drew likes them? “You thought my tits were really nice?”

“I didn’t say tits.”

“That’s not the part I care about, Drew.”

I have made this situation sufficiently cryptic enough that I could back out now if I wanted to. But I don’t want to. I’m usually not so impulsive. I am the type of person to measure every situation from all directions. Fuck that, though.

He’s here and I’m here. We’re in a room we have to share for two weeks. In one of the most gorgeous locations in the world.

I start to undo the closure on my robe and walk toward him.

“What are you doing,” he whispers. Not a question, but almost a statement. He knows what I’m doing.

“If you can’t tell me, I want you to show me. What you think of my tits,” I murmur and then undo the tie on my robe so it comes apart, revealing my naked body to him.

Any shyness disappears almost immediately when I see how his pupils dilate at the sight of me. “Dana, I…oh god.”

I let the robe slide down to the ground.

“Just tell me what you want,” he says, voice straining. “I can’t do anything until you tell meexactlywhat you want because I don’t want to misread the situation or make you uncomfortable or–”

“Drew, I’m literally standing in front of you naked.”

I never imagined he would be so frightened. So concerned. It’s endearing he cares so much about doing right by me. Makes me want him even more.

Fine. I’ll make his job easy for him.