“Hello to you too,” I say in a monotone voice.

Dana flushes. “Sorry. Hello. How was your trip?”

I half-smile. “I’ll tell you all about it when you don’t have that look on your face.”

Her eyebrows jump. “What look?”

“You know. Your worried look. Like–” I furrow my brow and puff up my cheeks.

That gets her to smile. “I don’t look like I’ve got a balloon in my mouth.”

“Sure do!”

“Drew!” Dana reaches out and slaps my arm.

“Okay, okay! What? What’s wrong? We’re in paradise, what could be wrong?”

Dana takes a deep breath and sighs. “They booked us in the same room.”

I stare at her for a moment before bursting with laughter.


“I’m sorry, that’s funny. You have to admit that’s funny.”

Dana shakes her head. “It’s not funny, it’s–”

“It’ll be like a slumber party,” I say.

“We’re too old for slumber parties.”

“No, we’re not. Come on. Where’s your sense of adventure, D?”

She huffs. “Drew, this is not an adventure, this is a mistake. A big one. We should have been booked in different rooms. We have different last names, for crying out loud. It’s not–”

“People who are together don’t always share the same last name, Dana,” I scoff.

Dana stares back at me.

“I mean. Not that we’re–you know what I mean. Amy and Hunter for instance.”

She sighs, crossing her arms over her chest, and looks away.

I don’t like how worked up she is about this. Is it really so bad to share a room with me?

“There’s only one bed, Drew.”

Don’t get hard…don’t get hard…“We can put a barrier of pillows between us.” She doesn’t seem enthused by that. “Or I’ll sleep on the floor.”

Dana finally cracks a smile. “You will not sleep on the floor.”

I look over my shoulder. This might work out in my favor more than Dana even knows at this point. “It’ll be okay. I’ll get on a list for a new room. And if there aren’t any, I’m sure there will be some once the guests leave and it’s just the rest of us for New Year’s. Okay?”

“It’s just so silly. I don’t even know how this happened.”

“I promise, I don’t have cooties or anything. And I don’t snore.”

She glares.