Gillian looks at me carefully. “You sure?”

“Of course. It’s just a hotel check-in. I’ll be fine.”

My sister smiles with the brightness of a child about to go to Disneyland. “Okay, let’s go.”

And just like that, I’ve been replaced with Axel on Stella’s other side. They walk hand in hand. The three of them.

As it should be.

“Brunch at eleven at the lagoon!” Axel shouts over his shoulder. “Don’t forget!”

“You’re a member of the Hitchins and Solace party, ma’am?”

I turn to the man behind the front desk.

Ma’am? I’m only thirty. Do I look like a ma’am?“Yes, I am.”

The man smiles. “Let me get you checked in, then. Could I have your name?”

I lean my arms on the desk. “Dana Solace.”

He types some and then grins. “Dana Solace and Drew Young. Yes, I have you right here.”

I frown. “Wait, I–”

“Is he with you now?” he asks.

I blink. “Um, no, he’s–”

“Would you like me to save a key here for him or just send him to meet you at your bungalow.”

I shake my head.

Wait a second. Rewind. “I’m sorry, the room should just be for Dana Solace.”

The desk manager clutches his heart. “Is he no longer attending?”

“No, no. It’s just we–we should have separate bungalows.”


I nod. “Yes, separate.”

“You did not come together?”

“We are–he’s–we’re coming together, but–”Dana, seriously? Coming?“I mean, he’s my plus one, but we aren’ttogether.”

The desk manager pouts his lips.Shit, he doesn’t get it.

“What I mean is…Drew Young is my guest. But he’s not my romantic guest. He’s a friend. Coming as my date. You know?”

Realization bursts across the man’s face. “Oh! You’re not lovers, then?”

Lovers?! This has got to be some sort of Candid Camera Punk’d bullshit!“No, we’re not.”

“Well, I’m afraid I have you down as lovers.”

“Is that what it says on your computer?” I gape.