It’s around midnight, Bridget is asleep back in her room, and I’m in the shower with Grant.
We’ve been making love for the better part of the night.
I can’t seem to get enough of him. And it’s different than it has been.
His arms feel secure around me and his hips move with long, deep strokes, prolonging every moment we’re connected.
My legs are wrapped around his waist as he pins me against the shower wall, the warm water falling like rain from the showerhead above us.
His lips taste like love and joy and everything I’ve ever wanted.
He kisses my neck as his thrusts get harder.
I grip onto his shoulders, biting my lip as I climax for the umpteenth time.
“Aisling,” he moans. “My Aisling… Is tú mo rogha. Táim i ngrá leat …”
“I love you too,” I whisper back into his ear.
His eyes fly to mine. “You do?”
I nod and smile.
“I’m never, ever letting you go.” His lips devour mine as his strokes get deeper, faster. Branding me. Owning me.
I see stars before my eyes as I come, and I lose my breath.
He lifts his head to look into my eyes as he comes with me, his moans fierce and guttural.
Goddamn, this man is insatiable. He kisses me again as the waves subside.
“Again,” he growls against my lips.
I giggle. “We’re going to pass out if we keep going like this.”
“Then let them find us naked and spent in the shower.”
That makes me laugh…and he laughs with me…and we start again.
I wake up to the sound of him talking. I roll over to find that he’s not in bed next to me. Through bleary eyes, I look over to see that it’s early, just after seven in the morning.
I spend a moment looking around the room. The door to the bathroom is ajar and he’s talking just beyond it. From his tone of voice, it sounds like business.
I sit up and stretch. This feels…good. There are still lingering insecurities, but…I don’t know. For once, it feels like things are lining up the way they should. I don’t know if it will last…but I’m enjoying the ride at the moment, so I’ll leave it at that.
I get out of bed and slip into one of his dress shirts, then I walk over to the bathroom door and knock gently as I push the door open.
He looks over at me, the phone still on his shoulder.
“I have to pee,” I whisper.
He nods and allows me to enter while leaving the room himself. Alone in the bathroom, I relieve myself.
He’s still talking to whoever is on the phone.