Page 63 of Her Beasts

I knew it was easier said than done because Zev always craved the answers. His guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders,but now it shouldn’t matter. He was the better man, he had made a decision that I would have made if I had been in his position, and so would Aeon. Any one of us could be bearing that guilt right now. Unfortunately, he had been living in the past, it wasn’t good for him because it had kept him away from the best thing that had happened to us.

He could have enjoyed Katarina this entire time, instead of hating her, and for what? He would have preferred to hold on to his hate for another five hundred years?

“That better not be your fucking dick, Aeon.” Zev’s sleepy voice broke my thought.

“You know you want my cock,” Aeon said, making me smirk.

Zev snorted. “You wish.”

“Are we measuring dicks again?” I asked, amused. “We all know mine is the biggest.”

There was a moment of silence before they both started laughing.

“We all know how big mine is,” Zev said, sitting up looking like his old self with a smirk on his face. Since he had mated with Katarina, there was something about him that seemed less haunted.

“You're the biggest dick, I’ll give you that,” I said, and Aeon laughed.

Zev’s laughter gave me peace that my friend was slowly coming back to us. He didn’t look like a man who was getting crushed under the guilt of the curse and our situation. Occasionally I still saw the hesitancy he had with Katarina, it was like he still couldn't give himself over to her fully. She looked at him the same way.

Both looked deathly afraid of this not working out. Just thinking about Katarina leaving me made my heart threaten to break in half, and I knew if I let myself, I could spiral downward so hard even before she died. Everyone needed to be strong; Ineeded to be strong for my pack. I would keep us going if it was the last thing I did.

“I think we should all run the perimeter,” I said, sitting up, seeing we were right next to the library. The nights were warming up and I was glad we stopped waking up in the snow.

“Let’s do it,” Zev said, getting up to stretch.

“Let’s make it quick, Katarina has been really tired lately. Mr. Potter said she hasn’t eaten well the last few days,” Aeon said, getting up too.

“I figured it was the spell that was getting to her.” I swung my arms side to side, loosening them up. “And she has been stressed.”

“This spell is taking a lot out of her, she is putting her magic into everything because she’s afraid if one of us helps, her spell won’t work,” Aeon said, looking worried. “I’m worried she’s going to wear herself out before she has to cast the actual spell.”

“She hasn’t been sleeping either. A few days ago, when I woke up to leave, she was awake,” Zev added. “She tried to make it seem like I woke her up, but she looked wide awake.”

“Does she have to add something to the circle every day? Maybe we should make her stay in bed?”

“Yes, she has to add something every day, but I think she needs to let one of all of us help her. Her magic is strong, but she barely knows how to use it and…”

A piercing scream made the hair on my arms stand up which made us all run towards Katarina. Zev raced up the stairs three at a time; I felt all of our panic.

“Stop, please,” Katarina yelled.

“Caston?” I said, rushing even more.

Zev slammed through the door taking it off its hinges. Rushing in, we saw Katarina thrashing around in the bed. Aeon tried to frantically wake her up when I saw her eyes were pools of black liquid, and I knew it was a vision.

Her body was tense, her skin flushed, and she was breathing like she had been running, All the while tears were streaming down her face.

“Do something,” Zev snarled, as Aeon picked Katarina up.

“I can’t, she’s stuck inside the vision until it releases her.” Aeon held her close, pushing her hair aside, soothing her when she suddenly whimpered, making us all flinch.

“So, she’s just supposed to suffer?” he snapped. “Do something.”

“I can’t!” Aeon raised his voice.

“Zev, maybe you should step out until she comes out of the vision,” I said, walking to him, thinking a fight was the last thing we needed.

His urge to protect her was too strong, since their mating was so fresh, he might do something he would regret.