“What else have I had to endure while everyone else knows the truth except me? What else have I had to live with? It seems like everyone has been playing chess with my life, while I sit here flailing around trying to stay above water,” Katarina snapped.
“Kat, it wasn’t like that, look I don’t know why…”
“What else, Serena?” she demanded.
My power was waning.
“You don’t have much time,” I growled.
“Why even marry me off to Caston if this is where I was going to come?”
“Caston’s family has been power hungry for years, this was a way to keep his family in line. You know the old saying ‘keep your friends close but your enemies closer’.” Serena was looking nervous. “They wanted one of us, but father was able to hold off until you. Caston always had a soft spot for you, and it ended up being perfect.”
“And??” Katarina was looking livid.
I started to sweat, shaking slightly, feeling like whatever higher power had given me this magic was slowly pulling away.
“They were worried that you would get pregnant so they…”
“They took away my ability to have children? Am I barren?”
“I don’t think so. I honestly don’t know, just that they made sure you wouldn’t bear his children and give him a chance to take over the family. You know once he has an heir…”
“Then why all the asking, why all the disappointing glances made my way? Why did everyone make me feel like it was my fault!” Katarina was losing herself to her anger. “Why was father always mean to me?”
“Kat, dad isn’t…” Serena disappeared.
I was losing my hold on her, I couldn’t keep her here anymore. Forcing as much power as I could, I felt her reanimate, but not as strongly.
“Shit, Kat. I love you! You have to regain your power. Caston desperately needs an heir, and you need to get the fuck out of here,” Serena said, with panic in her voice. “Vivienne was tricked, she started the spell, but…”
She disappeared again.
“But what?” I heard Zev ask desperately.
I used every ounce of will I had to pull her back one more time. My body felt like it was tearing apart, sweat dripped down my back until I was on the verge of blacking out.
“Serena!” Katarina yelled when she reappeared.
“It was Thane, his whole family. Shit, I love you Katari…”
That’s the last I heard before my mind went blank and I fell into darkness.
“I needto move him just in case he shifts.”
“You will do no such thing.”
“Kit Kat, it’s not safe.” I recognized Lucien's voice.
“I don’t care, he could have killed himself from that and I’m not going to send him outside. I can handle it if he shifts, so I’ll get out quickly when he does.” A soft hand touched my face, making me lean into it. “See, he’s coming back to us, he will be fine, just give him some time.”
“We don’t have time. The pull is overwhelming and I need to go already. I can imagine how he feels or maybe doesn’t and just shifts in his sleep.” Lucien sounded annoyed.
“I’m fine,” I said, opening my eyes to see them staring at me.
“A.” Katarina’s face fell before she launched herself at me. “You scared the shit out of me.”
I grunted, feeling my entire body hurt, but with Katarina in my arms, the pain was worth it. Bringing my arms around her,I squeezed her tightly even though my body protested. She felt and smelled like home. I took a deep breath, analyzing her scent, wondering if I could pick up her wolf, but her scent had changed so much since Lucien and I had mated her. She still smelled like herself, but she also smelled like us. Her scent was such a unique blend of all of us that all I wanted to do was lie here with her forever. I’d just watch the world go by with her in my arms.