“I almost didn’t survive,” I said instinctively, putting a hand over my stomach.
“Serena?” he asked, his voice cracking, and I think he was just confirming what he already knew.
I shook my head as her death hit me again like it was the first time. He nodded his head as a tear fell down his face. This man was definitely not the father who left me here, and I didn’t know what to think.
“I’m so sorry, Katarina,” he said, taking a step towards me.
“I feel like you have a lot of explaining to do,” I said, looking at the other coven members, seeing my sisters with their husbands.
“I do and there is so much I have to make up for,” he said, as another tear fell down his face.
A loud crash echoed behind us, as we all looked back, seeing a piece of the house collapsing from the fire.
“Ah fuck, I’ll be back,” Lucien said, as he ran back to stop the fire and I just realized they were naked. My home for the last year was in rough shape and I didn’t know if we would be safe here.
“It seems like you have a lot of explaining to do, but as much as I want some answers, I’m starving. I need to be seen by a doctor and I need to fucking sleep,” I said, as my worry for the baby and exhaustion set in.
“You can come back to the house, we would love to have you,” he said immediately. “The healer can tend to you, you can get some food and sleep somewhere safe.”
“I don’t go anywhere without my mates,” I said immediately, because I didn’t want to dance around the fact that I had three mates. The unease in our bond made me nervous about leaving with them. “And I don’t know if I feel comfortable going back home.”
My body was starting to shut down, but I needed to discuss with my men what we were going to do.
“Of course, I know you have no reason to trust me,” he said quickly. “We can…”
I shivered before my legs gave out; Zev was there to catch me.
“She needs a healer, now,” he snarled.
“The baby.” I heard Aeon say before it was too hard to keep my eyes open.
“You have a baby?!”
A small woman who looked an awful lot like Zev came through the crowd, making me perk up because she smelled similar to Zev. I looked at his face, then Aeon’s and lastly Lucien’s as he walked up to us, staring at the newcomers with clothes in his hands. They looked at her like she was a ghost, which meant our night definitely wasn’t over.
Our night did not go the way I had expected to spend my first night as a free man. I thought I had lost my mate twice, only to have her family save us in the end. What I didn’t expect was her father to be so nice to us, and also come to our aid.
Once Katarina slapped the artifact onto Caston, I could feel her exhaustion because I was tired too. When I returned, Aeon mentioned the baby and I went into panic mode.
“A baby?!”
A woman stepped out of the crowd of what I thought to be only Belladonnas, but I was very mistaken when more people walked up behind her. She looked like Zev’s sister Mabel, which was just a female version of Zev, but from what I understood, she had died in the last fight. I took a deep breath and they all smelled familiar, they smelled like our pack, like home.
“Mabel?” Zev's voice was just a whisper.
“No, but I am her great granddaughter,” she said, looking straight at Zev. “Is it true she’s pregnant?
Most men had a hard time keeping their eyes locked with Zev because of his dominance, but she looked at him like he was just a regular man.
“How?” He looked lost for words. “And yes, she carries our child.”
A man came forward who, low and behold, looked just like Aeon. He wasn’t as big as Aeon, but the resemblance was there.
“They left while the fighting took place, our mothers wanted us to get out and thought if people presumed we were dead, then no one would come looking for us.” He stood next to Zev’s niece, grabbing her hand.