“You expect me to leave her?” His yellow eyes flashed an even brighter gold. “This isn’t normal. She’s my fucking mate.”
I looked at Aeon because Zev was right, I had never seen Aeon react to a vision like this.
“My mother would have intense visions like this, and we just had to watch her, while she was stuck inside her vision.” Aeon took a deep breath. “My father always became infuriated, but there is literally nothing we could do for her.”
“That is bullshit, we can’t just let her suffer,” Zev said, looking really distressed.
“Zev, come on,” I said, pushing him back, but he was a wall of muscle that didn’t want to budge.
“You are on edge because you just mated. Your wolf doesn’t like it, so take a walk, she’s safe with me,” Aeon said, looking at Zev, pleading through the bond not to make it worse.
“Fuck,” Zev growled, walking away. “You better come get me as soon as she wakes up. She—she’ll be ok, right?”
Zev’s vulnerability made me smile, caring for Katarina was a good look on him.
“I’ll come get you, I promise,” I said first.
“It’s just a vision, I don’t feel Caston at all. She’s a tough woman, Zev, you always say we need to let her be, she’s going to be fine.” Aeon nodded at Zev, attempting to reassure him.
“Fine,” he growled, walking out of the room.
Katarina whimpered again making me uneasy, but I tried to mask it.
“It’s just a vision, I promise,” Aeon said, looking back down at Katarina.
“Why does it seem like this is unusual?” I asked, sitting on the bed next to them so I could touch her.
I slid my hand up her calf, feeling her body warmer than usual.
“I don’t know how long she’s been in a vision, and I know my mother had been through a few of these. It’s almost like whoever is giving her these visions wants her to see several things at once.” Aeon pushed another sweaty strand of hair off her face looking like she hung the moon and stars for him. “I just worry what she is seeing will hurt her more than help her.”
“She’s seen the past, any idea why that is possible?” I said, grabbing his hand and seeing that this was affecting him more than he was letting me see. “I thought you could only see the future?”
“I don’t know, I've never known anyone who has been able to see the past.”
Katarina gasped loudly, sitting up so quickly that I thought she was going to hit Aeon in the face. Her eyes were still black as she blinked rapidly like she was still getting out of the vision.
She launched herself off the bed, running out of the room in nothing but a t-shirt. I don’t even think she had underwear on. Aeon and I were shocked for a moment before we followed her.
“Katarina,” Zev yelled, when she ran past him.
It was like nothing else existed as she ran towards the library.
“Kitten,” Aeon yelled.
Worry strummed through the bond, all of us magnifying the emotion since we were all feeling it.
Once we all entered the library, Katarina was kneeling in front of the circle looking at it like it was telling her something or showing her something.
“Hellcat?” Zev slowly walked to her, like he might scare her.
“They tricked her,” she whispered.
A tear fell down her cheek while her lips trembled.
“Who?” Aeon asked, stepping closer to her.
“She didn’t betray you,” Katarina murmured, looking at Zev, heartbroken. “She loved you, she thought you betrayed her and…”