Page 27 of Her Beasts

“Serena, this is bullshit,” I growled, getting more and more frustrated from this conversation. It’s like she was being flippant on purpose, and it was driving me insane.

“Tell me one thing, get one thing off your chest,” I said, pleading with her.

She pursed her lips together, walking a box to me.

“This curse doesn’t just affect you and your men, it's affected our family as well. People have a lot to lose if you break this curse. I’ve learned so much since I was last here, but the most important thing is, Katarina, you have to break this spell.” A few tears fell down her face. “I can’t tell you more than that. You also need to start thinking about a back-up plan. Ryder has fallen off the grid and I’m afraid he might not come back.”

“What do you mean he fell off the grid?”

Zev shifted next to me.

“He’s not answering me, I've tried everything. I went to his hideout and their home; they look like they haven’t been at either location in a while.” She looked directly at Zev and I loved her fire.

I’ve missed her sassiness.

“Shit,” I said under my breath, trying not to panic.

“I’m going to try and get a few items off your list. I might not get them all, but I will try,” she said, looking at me with worry in her eyes.

“So, we’re fucked then?” Zev snarled walking away from the gate, his round ass on display.

“We can make it work.”

I was startled when I heard Aeon on the other side of me.

Serena looked at him and then behind him where I’m sure Lucien was also standing.

“I hope so.” Serena nodded at me. “If you need anything, message me on my cell first, that will be the fastest way to get to me. I didn’t finish the charm I was working on so…”

“I will take them in,” Mr. Potter appeared out of nowhere, like usual.

“Thank you,” Serena and I said together.

“We can help.”

The guys took the boxes she brought, while I felt Zev linger close by until he followed the others.

“He looks like he wants to eat me,” Serena joked, but I heard something serious in her voice.

“He’s skeptical of us Belladonnas. Zev was trying to do right by Vivienne only to get cursed,” I said, looking back to see all my men walking away.

Zev glanced back at us, like he was waiting for something bad to happen.

“Do you love them?”

Serena’s question caught me off-guard, but I knew it was only a matter of time before she asked about them.

“Lucien, the blonde one, was the first one who befriended me. When we mated, I don’t think I had ever had someone accept me for who I was so quickly and with no questions asked. Lucien is the easiest to love with his gentle disposition and sweet nature.” I smiled. “Now Aeon, that man is stubborn like Zev, but I’ve never met anyone who loves so fiercely. He is not a big teddy bear like Lucien, he’s protective, extremely smart and loves like a force of nature.”

I glanced back at the guys making sure they were out of earshot, especially Zev.

“Zev isn’t my mate, but that man has the power to destroy me. Some days I think I might love him, but other days I want to strangle him. Most of all, I can’t mate with him. If…” I tried to swallow against the lump in my throat, the need to cry was overwhelming. “If I mate all of them and I die, they will be lost, all of them living in more misery than when I first came here, and I can’t do that to them.”

I wiped the tears that fell.

“Katarina,” Serena sounded heartbroken.

“I know it was stupid to mate with them, but…”