“Kitten.” Aeon rushed towards us. “Are you ok?”
“Her eyes glowed and then they went completely black,” Lucien said, before I could say anything. “Then she went limp.”
“What did you see, Kitten?” Aeon helped me sit up.
“I…I…” I thought back to the vision. “I don’t know. A man and woman were talking, but it was like I was seeing it through a tv or maybe someone else who wasn’t in the room.”
I rubbed my head trying to remember more details, but the more I thought about it the less I remembered.
“Maybe you should rest, thinking about it too much isn’t going to make you remember,” Aeon said, lifting me up so Lucien could pull the blankets back.
“I think I want a bath,” I said, trying to get out of his hold, annoyed that the answer was always to rest. I was getting tired of resting. “Can you put me down, please?”
I was two seconds away from losing my shit when Aeon immediately put me down.
“Thanks,” I said, almost running into the bathroom.
“If you need something just let us know,” Lucien said, through the door.
“Ok,” I responded feeling overwhelmed with everything.
I stripped, feeling guilty for acting the way I did. They had a need to take care of me, to protect me and put me first, but sometimes I felt like it was stifling. I had been resting since I got drugged, and I had to deal with these stupid side effects, even just being there during interrogations downstairs drained me. They pushed me away, like I was some princess that needed to be saved.
I stripped off my clothes, getting in the tub to relax before I figured out what the hell my vision meant or if it meant anything at all.
I wasin a foul mood the following day. Before I went to bed, I wrote down everything from my vision trying to remember every detail. I read their conversation, but I was forgetting faster than I’d like to admit, which made me even more irritable.
Lucien and Aeon steered clear of me when I snapped at them for telling me I should stay indoors while one of them retrieved my sister from the gate. I was being a bitch, but I couldn’t help it. I was losing my patience with everything because I felt so out of control.
There was an awkward silence in the room as I pulled my boots on and grabbed my coat. I expected them to follow me, but thankfully they kept their distance. Hopefully Serena could come onto the grounds, and we could come inside instead of freezing our asses off. It seemed this winter was going to last until April.
“I’ll have snacks and cider ready for you and Miss Serena,” Mr. Potter yelled before I opened the door.
“Thank you!” I hollered back.
I opened the door expecting to feel a storm, but it seemed to have died down. The snow was falling and it was beautiful.
I turned to see Zev walking to me.
“May I escort you to the gate?”
“I think you might freeze your nuts off,” I said, looking down at his junk.
“Is that a yes or no?” He rolled his eyes at me. “I would shift, but I think I would feel better if I was close to you. Mr. Potter hasn’t seen anyone again, but I would like to be near just in case.”
Zev was an asshole most of the time, but this man could be so sweet when he wanted to. He gave me space, allowed me to make my own decisions instead of always making them for me.
I nodded my head, not trusting myself to speak without complaining about the guys and how they liked to smother me or how I thought I was being a bitch about it. He shifted before me. His bones cracking still made me shiver from the awful sound, but it was always over quickly.
He trotted over to me, rubbing against me in an affectionate way. We had been close to each other in his wolf form before, but I didn’t usually get to appreciate him like this. I ran my hands through his fur as he kept rubbing against me.
“You’re so cute, Sir Fluffington.” I scratched behind his ear as he tried to nip at me.
He growled at me before he pushed me back, making me lose my balance and fall on my ass. The bastard laid on me, licked my face until I was laughing so hard I was afraid I was going to piss myself. He laid on my chest, giving me so much comfort in just that one gesture. Sometimes I wondered why he was such an asshole when he always knew what I needed.
“I think we could have a great relationship if I was the only one who could talk.” I laughed as he looked at me with what Icould only imagine as a ‘whatever’ look. I kissed his nose before he licked my face, making me laugh again.