“You expect us to trust you after what you put your daughter through,” Aeon stated, standing tall. “From what she has told us, I don’t think we are comfortable going with you, and I think I say this for all of us we would rather go with Yaya.”
“We live on the property,” Yaya said, walking to Zev. “She will be safe, and you need to let this man explain himself.”
“Explain how he made his daughter feel insignificant?” I snapped, feeling defensive of my mate.
“She needs a healer, and they have the best one. Trust me, I wouldn’t send my granddaughter somewhere unsafe.” Yaya looked at me.
“She’s right, they would never do anything to hurt her.” Melanie stepped forward.
I think we should trust them,I said.
I hate her father.Zev said.
But they have a good healer, Katarina needs the best.Aeon added.
Plus, aren’t you supposed to hate your in-laws?I tried to be funny.
I could feel Zev’s inner turmoil, but she needed to be seen by someone who had enough knowledge to help our baby.
“Fine, we will go with you,” Zev said, glaring at her father. “But Caston is coming with us too. His punishment is not complete.”
He nodded. “Of course, we will see you back at the house, Yaya. Now follow me and we can get you into a car.”
He walked away, but we all stayed still, hesitating for a moment. We had seen cars before, but to ride in one, I didn’t know if I was ready. Zev followed first, while Aeon and I took another second before we followed.
“You can ride in this one.” Katarina’s father opened the door for us. “Rocket will be driving.”
What kind of name was that? It was one of the biggest vehicles we had ever seen, making me relax because we wouldn’t be so crammed. Aeon took Katarina as Zev got in the car and looked around. He sat down as Aeon passed Katarina to him, then Aeon got in, sitting in the back. I looked at the guy who was driving, but he didn’t look me in the eyes.
Still feeling uneasy about this, I climbed into the car helping Zev adjust Katarina on the long seat, so her head was on his lap, hitting my head and arms every two seconds. Once she was comfortable, I took a seat in the back with Aeon, sitting as close as I could because I needed his comfort.
Someone closed the door and I instantly hated cars. When Rocket started driving, I hated it even more, it wasn’t a smooth ride like I had anticipated. It was bumpy, uncomfortable and way too small for us. Being next to Aeon made it tolerable, hispresence gave me peace, at least enough to get through the ride. We were all tense throughout the car ride, with each bump Zev grew more and more agitated.
When we finally arrived at the Belladonna estate, we all but ran out of the car.
“I did not like that.” Zev visibly shivered.
“It beats running, especially after that fight.” I stretched, looking up at the big house that looked like it hadn’t changed in two hundred years.
“It’s weird to be back here after so long.” Aeon looked at the house with me.
“Good evening, sirs.”
An older man came up to us.
“My name is Gerard. If you would please follow me,” he said, looking at Katarina before turning around.
We followed him into the house, seeing the inside had changed quite a bit. There were no longer candles everywhere, but it was lit up with what I imagined Katarina called electricity.
“I can show you to your rooms, while I take Katarina to the healer,” he said walking towards a hallway.
“We are not leaving her,” Zev snarled.
“No, sir, of course not, I was just?—”
“Gerard?!” Katarina looked to be wide awake, staring at the older man.