Page 111 of Her Beasts

“If you come back, I’ll make sure I rip you to fucking shreds.” Caston walked up to me. “If I remember correctly, isn’t that what you said to me, the last time I saw you?”

His smile was deranged.

“You are too big of pussy to just come on your own.” I smirked at him. “Let's do this on our own and I’m sure that fake vibrato would disappear quickly.”

I knew my taunt would hit its mark, so when he pulled back to punch me, I dodged it by head butting him, laughing whenI broke his nose. He snarled, holding his nose with his hands before snapping his fingers.

“Just for that.”

He smiled with blood on his teeth then looked over his shoulder. Two people were dragging Aeon. He was unconscious, bleeding from his face and somewhere on his body since there was a trail of blood behind him. I held back the growl forming, but Lucien’s growl made the hairs on my neck stand up.

“Let him go.” Lucien’s alpha voice reverberated through the air, making the men immediately drop Aeon.

My surprise was hard to keep off my face, our alpha power only worked on our own kind, but it seemed Lucien was full of surprises.

“Let us go,” he snarled.

They immediately released us, springing us into action. I grabbed the guy nearest to me and threw him towards Caston. My magic was dissipating from overuse, I needed food and a nap. I grew vines, throwing a few of the men out of the grounds before using them to impale another man.

Heat warmed my back before an explosion threw me to the ground. People screamed, and when I got up, I ran to Aeon. He was alive, but beaten up badly with several stab wounds. If I had to guess, it was the same ones we got stabbed with, some kind of numbing agent to prevent us from using our limbs, making our magic useless.

Looking around, I saw Lucien setting people on fire, left and right. I put Aeon over my shoulder, desperately looking for a way out. As much as I wanted to kill Caston now, I knew we didn’t stand a chance.

“Kitten?” Aeon mumbled.

“She’s safe,” I said, running by Lucien.

“Lu, we have to go!” I yelled, feeling more heat.

“Just go!” he yelled back.

“I’m not leaving without you,” I yelled, catching a knife and throwing it back at someone.

“Zev!” Katarina screamed.

I turned around seeing my mate get dragged by two guys as she fought to get away.

“Don’t hurt them,” she cried. “I’ll do anything, let them go, Caston.”

“No, Kit Kat,” Lucien said, holding on to his fire, looking for an opportunity to get her back.

“We don’t need her. Kill her,” Caston snarled. “No one wants a wolf whore polluting our superior witch blood with these vile creatures anyway.”

“No!” I growled, seeing one of the men yank her to him, and he snapped her neck.

“Fuck you!” Lucien roared, launching himself at Caston, but two other men intercepted him.

He fought with them as I continued to stare at Caston. I could take him in a fight, but with everyone here I knew he would cheat. My body was vibrating with anger, but I realized I could still feel her, it had been just another illusion to gain the upper hand.

“Lucien!” I bellowed.

She’s still alive. The bond is still in place, he’s trying to gain the upper hand. Keep fighting until I say so.

I looked away from Caston, flaring my nostrils like I was going to lose it.

“This makes it easier when we do the spell again, but we will take your power instead of just funneling it and then we will finally take the Belladonnas,” he smiled, sadistically. “You’ve completed the bond, making you stronger than when Vivienne cast the spell.”

“Yeah, I should have known you were too weak to break into the Belladonnas coven and take her father and her sister,” Isneered, trying to get a rise out of him. “I mean that’s why you need us, right? You’re too fucking weak to do this yourself.”