Page 29 of Tortured Beasts


Rain woke me up from my slumber. It was soft and comforting, making me stay on the floor just a little longer. The rain needed to wash away all the uneasy thoughts that had been on my mind lately. Rolling onto my back, I closed my eyes wishing the rain would also wash away the constant hurt in my chest.

How did I get here? Before Katarina came into our lives, I was mad; being mad made everything easier. It didn’t let me think of anything else other than pure hatred for the Belladonna’s.

Now all I could think about was, what the hell was I doing? We needed to get out of here, the guys deserved to be free. They had been trapped here because of me and now they were suffering more because of me. As much as I wanted to walk right up to Katarina and offer my help, all I could think of was there was more she wasn’t telling us.

Years of hatred didn’t go away, so why didn’t she hate us? The last Belladonna hated us the moment she walked into the door. The sneer on her face was permanently on her face the entire time she was here. When she wasn’t in the library she was locked away in her bedroom.

She was the one we had the least amount of interaction with. Usually we fought with them constantly every night. We were all on alert because we didn’t know what was going to happen. Ava was also different from the other Belladonnas, too. We did the same thing to her that we did to Katarina. We tied her up, told her how this year was going to go, but she didn’t retaliate like the others. She got herself free, retreated into her room and we didn’t see her again until one of us found her in the library a month later.

Had change been slowly happening, but I was so blinded in my hate that I didn’t see the signs? The night that Ava died, she had calmly sat in the library until it happened. We watched her pass, but right before the clock struck, she turned around to look at us, and said, “Hating her is never going to break the spell.”

Now I couldn’t help but wonder if she was talking about Katarina. Did she know something about the future? Is that why she never fought with us? Did she know that Katarina might be the key to breaking the spell?

Exhaling sharply, I was more confused at all these questions filling my head. Anger rushed through my system, hating that after two hundred years I still knew nothing. I was just as in the dark as the day I felt the curse was cast upon us.

If I had any chance of breaking this spell, I knew I needed to talk to Katarina. My hate for her family had to be put aside as I tried to help her the best I could. Lucien and Aeon deserved to live the rest of their life outside of this curse, and if it was with Katarina, I wouldn’t stand in their way. I needed to stop being my own worst enemy.

Slowly getting up as the rain began falling faster, I took a long, deep breath and released some tension that seemed to never leave me. Uneasiness coursed through me, and it was like my mind wanted to revolt for what I was about to do.

I needed to let go, but why was it so hard?

A scream ripped through the rain. My heart skipped a beat knowing something was happening to Katarina. I ran towards the main house, thankful I was close. I entered through a side door and raced up to Katarina’s room. She was on the landing of the stairs on her knees, bent over, breathing quickly.

I looked around her trying to see if she was being hurt by someone, but no one was around. It was just us.

“Stop, stop, stop.” I heard her murmur over and over again as I climbed up the steps.

She rocked herself back and forth before she screamed louder this time like she was in agony.

I walked to her slowly, afraid she was going to get scared when she saw me coming towards her. She looked up to me, freezing me in place. Her eyes were completely black, no trace of her violet eyes anywhere as a snarl escaped her lips. Her face morphed with pain causing a whimper to escape her lips. She looked back down at her hands, shaking her head back and forth when her hands lit on fire.

We both stared at her hands. This was Lucien’s power. Did she steal his magic? Or was this a product of their mating?

“Help me.” Her voice was so soft that I almost didn’t hear her.

My wolf pushed me forward to her, not caring that she was on fire, knowing the full extent of what Lucien could do. She shook her hands side to side, her black eyes looking up to me with a worried look, but I saw her flinch a few times.

“Katarina,” I said, not knowing what the hell to do.

Her face went blank instantly, making my wolf uneasy. She stood up in one fluid motion, walking down the stairs as the fire traveled up her arms.

“Katarina,” I said again, as she came closer.

She flinched, her black eyes snapped to my face, looking like endless pools of night. Her expression was fierce while the fires continued to spread over her entire body, making her look like a goddess of destruction. I was mesmerized by her for just a moment before she stopped walking, looking like she was at war with herself. Her hand raised towards me, she was almost completely engulfed in flames. The strength of the fire singed the floor and some pieces caught on fire.

“Katarina, you need to calm down!” I yelled when it looked like she was going to hit me with fire. Her body shook violently when it finally dawned on me. This wasn’t Katarina. There was only one person who could do this and that was her shitty husband.


A knife came towards me, embedding itself in my flesh. I looked up to see she was in pain again. Another knife came flying at me, barely missing as she formed a ball of fire in her hand, a cruel smile bloomed on her face before she threw it at me. I ducked when another one came flying my way. I ran up to her trying to figure out what to do.

“Kit Kat!!” Lucien yelled coming from the library with Aeon behind him.

“Zev, don’t!” Aeon yelled at me, but I couldn’t stop myself, I had to do something. When I got close to her I wrapped my arms around her, hoping to bring her back. The flames were excruciating but she needed to come back to me.

“Fight it,” I said through clenched teeth, and all I could see around us was fire. “Stay with me, don’t let him win.”