Page 81 of Tortured Beasts

“You’re going to break us apart, you’re going to make us suffer more and when you die, you’re going to make this bond die too!” I roared, my nails grew longer around her neck, piercing into her.

“Don’t!” Katarina yelled at them. “Don’t provoke him.”

I couldn’t hear or see anything else but her.

“Is that how you win? Do you want to make them go crazy after you die, leaving them to suffer your loss or leaving usallto suffer your loss?”

“Zev, where is this coming from?”

Her voice was sweet. I wanted her hate, I needed it. She ran her hands up and down my arms. The feel of her on my skin felt so good that I closed my eyes, enjoying her touch.

“Zev, what happened?”

The concern in her eyes made me loosen my grip on her. The anger in me was slowly dissipating as my logical side took over.

“When you die, they will have nothing. If you cared so much you would have told them no, or you would break the bond.” I stepped away from her. “When you die, they will wish the same thing, but they will stay here suffering your loss for what might be an eternity.”

Her eyes widened, tears filled them, while her lips trembled.

“Don’t listen to him, Kit Kat,” Lucien said, glaring at me, but I knew he had thought about it before.

“My brothers are now at your mercy, so I hope you’re happy for the last few months. There is a possibility you just gave them a fate worse than living with this curse.”

I walked away from them when Aeon stopped me.

“You’re such an asshole. I know you’re insufferable, but why do you have to make everyone else feel like shit.”

I grunted when he pushed me away, feeling like a complete ass. I knew I had made things worse, but the fear in me was taking over. Katarina was changing my life whether I wanted her to or not, and I hated that she was from a family I had hated for so long.

At the end of the day, she was still a Belladonna. If she wanted to, whether it was intentional or not, she had the power to wreck us whether it be with her death or her survival. And there was no way in hell I was going to let her ruin us for her own selfish reasons.

They all should have thought about the consequences of what their mating would do to them if Katarina ended up dying. Some days it felt like I was the only one with common sense because they were so wrapped up in her they couldn’t see past what would happen if she died.

I punched a tree feeling my rage come back full force.

“You’re being a child.”

I turned around to see Mr. Potter behind me.

“Your hate is bringing them all down. If you for once in your life thought about what you’re doing to your brothers, you would stop acting like a petulant child and realize that your salvation, your home and your forgiveness, is right in front of you.”

I laughed. “My salvation? You think she is my salvation?”

“If you thought past your hate, you would see they are all your salvation,” he snarled at me. There were very few times he had ever gotten angry with me, but when he did, he was a scary man.

I didn’t know what to say when he lumped them all together.

“All of you were meant to be together. You were always supposed to be a Belladonna, but unfortunately, you had to wait two hundred years for her.” He came up to me. “From the moment she came here, I have felt that she was going to be something different, and when she gave you what you deserved, I knew she was your match. Katarina is a Belladonna, but you have to know she is so much more than that.”

I knew she was more than her family would ever be, but admitting that was admitting that I was wrong, and right now that was not going to happen.

“Katarina is the other half of your moon, the day to your night and the sunshine to your rain. She is all of your matches in every way, and there is no woman better suited for all of you than her. So instead of worrying about her tearing you apart, how about you start helping and making sure your brothers don’t lose the love of their lives because you are a jealous and stubborn brute.”

He walked away leaving me to think about his words. My anger always got the better of me. It drove me to think of things I wouldn’t normally think of. I leaned against a tree, sliding down until I sat on the cold ground. Instead of blaming everyone else, I had to be the Alpha I was taught to be. I needed to save my brothers from the fate of losing their mate, even if their union made me feel things I wasn’t ready to deal with.