Page 25 of Wings So Wicked

“There you are!” Ashlani cheered as she walked over to me, looping her arm through mine.

She isn’t a threat right now,I reminded myself.Be friendly. Blend in.

I forced a smile. “Yep, thisismandatory, you know.”

She began pulling me further into the courtyard. Most of the other students had already gathered, along with a dozen others who I assumed to be the teachers here. One quick scan, however, told me Wolf had yet to arrive.

He wasn’t in our room all day, either.

Ashlani ignored my comment and guided me over to a male leaning against the stone wall. His features were warm and welcoming, practically glowing beneath the lantern light of night. His face lit up when he saw Ashlani approaching.

“This is Lanson,” Ashlani announced, pulling me to a stop before him. “Lanson, meet…”

“Huntyr,” I finished for her, shifting uncomfortably on my feet.

“Huntyr,” Lanson repeated. He extended a large hand in my direction. He had soft, golden hair that curled around his face and sharp cheekbones that accentuated his smile. He looked like the type of guy youwantedto trust, even though his sculpted muscles flexed against his black training shirt. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

I slid my hand into his and he shook it quickly. He kept his hand clasped in mine for an extra second, causing my heart to sink. But his eyes held nothing but kindness. Odd.

“Likewise,” I said as I pulled my hand away.

“You must be skilled at hunting, then, with a name like that,” he remarked.

I shrugged.Don’t let them know anything, certainly not your strengths or weaknesses.He may have appeared soft, but just like Ashlani, that was never the case.


“I can hunt when needed,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Noted,” he replied with a smile. “Maybe we’ll be seeing more of each other around here, then.”

“I think, given the circumstances, that’s highly likely.”

I stared into his green eyes, looking for a shadow. A demon. A secret. Anything. But all I saw was a friendly fae looking back at me.

A small, hopeful part of my mind thought that maybe this was it. Maybe Lanson was simply a welcoming fae. Maybe not everyone hid their darkness deep in their souls, waiting for the time to burst from keeping too many shadows at bay.

But those thoughts quickly dissipated.

“Look!” Ashlani interrupted. “It’s starting!”

I followed her gesture to the middle of the courtyard, where Headmistress Katherine stood near a male who prepared to speak. But my attention was stolen by an abnormally large, black-winged creature leaning against the stone wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

Glaring at me.

Wolf’s dark eyes could have sliced through skin. His jaw was set, his shoulders sharp. He lookedpissed.

I fought the urge to look over my shoulder. Was he pissed at me? What in the hells could I have possibly done to piss him off? I was the one that should be pissed. Not him.

The male preparing to speak looked like a fighter. He was aged, with long white and grey hair pulled away from his tanned, rugged face. He wore all black training gear, much different than Headmistress Katherine’s formal gown. He clasped his hands together as he spoke. “Welcome to Moira Seminary. Your first day begins tomorrow, but not all of you will make it through tonight.”

A few gasps filled the air. I caught myself double checking the weight of Venom at my thigh, snug and secure against my black training pants.

Wolf still leaned against the wall, relaxed as ever, but his attention now lingered on the male speaking.

“Drink,” he continued, as if he hadn’t just dropped something massive and mysterious on us. “Relax and enjoy your evenings. But let this be a warning to you that you must always keep your guard up. I’ll be your combat trainer starting tomorrow. If you don’t see me again tonight, which I truly hope you do not, I’ll be seeing you at sunrise.”

And with that, he was gone.