Page 144 of Wings So Wicked

And he wasn’t fucking moving.

He lay in a pile of ash, and as I crawled to him, I realized everything around us burned. The vampyres were gone, scorched along with everything else.

We fucking did it.

“Wolf.” My throat burned, my breath hitched.

But he still did not move.

No,there was no way he’d drained himself. There was no way he had used all of his blood magic onthis.

“Wolf!” I screamed, shaking his shoulders, pounding his chest. “Wake up, Wolf! You don’t get to leave me here!”

I shook him again.


Something inside of me broke, a tether had snapped.

“No!” I yelled. “I’m not doing this alone! I’m not doing this without you!” I didn’t care who heard. I didn’t care how pathetic and broken I sounded.

Wolf and I were supposed to do this together. I fought for him. I pressed forward forhim.

Without him, I was a fraction of a fae. I had no chance of making it into The Golden City.

And I didn’t fucking want to.

I lowered my head to his chest and wept. “I will never fucking forgive you for this, Wolf Jasper.Never.”

His chest did not beat. It did not rise and fall with his breath. He did not laugh or give me a snide comment in return.

Wolf was gone.

“My heart is yours, you bastard! You can’t leave me!”

My breathing stopped. I didn’t care how many of those monsters crept closer to us, didn’t care how little time I had left.

I told Wolf I wasn’t leaving him.

That wasn’t changing. Not now.

I didn’t leave his side as I turned and raised Venom. My hand shook. My fingers bled.

“Come on!” I screamed, more to the goddess than to the vampyres. “Come on and end this, you fucking cowards!”

The vampyres came first. Ten of them, maybe more, I wasn’t sure. I stabbed as many as I could, trying not to falter away from Wolf’s body when the others bit into my shoulder, my ribs, my thigh.

I screamed in pain but did not fall.

Thunder cracked the sky, rain pouring down in heavy droplets, one after another.

I couldn’t even breathe without inhaling the crying sky.

I fought and I fought and I fought.

The agony of teeth and claws and slashes in my body fizzled away. That comforting numbness took over. Took overeverything, actually. I didn’t have to think about moving, about which monster to kill.

My vision blurred.