Page 118 of Wings So Wicked

Everything fucking hurt. My voice cracked again. The tears I had been holding back fell freely down my face.

Wolf’s face softened too, as if that was even possible. He caressed my face, running his thumb over my wet cheeks. “I didn’t plan this—fuck. I didn’t plan to grow close to you. I swear to all goddesses, Huntyr, I never meant to lie to you. I would shove that dagger in my chest myself if I thought it would keep you from this.”

A sob wracked my body. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t kill him. I dropped the dagger to the ground beside us, and before I knew it, Wolf was holding me up, caressing me, pulling me to his lap.

He murmured against my ear, encapsulating me in his arms, spreading his angel wings around us. He held me tightly, as if holding onto me could take back the absolute chaos of pain and lies and betrayal.

I couldn’t fucking take it anymore, couldn’t take another betrayal.

“I-I need space.” I mumbled through my tears and shoved myself away from him, horrified by the fact that a vampyre had been comforting me.

Wolf’s eyes widened as he searched my face for answers.

I wiped my face with the back of my hand. “Just leave me alone, okay? I need to think. I can’t handle this right now.” When I rose to my feet and stumbled back toward the castle, Wolf did not follow me.

I hated him for lying. I hated him for taking care of me, for saving my life so many times. I hated him for standing up to Lanson and Espek and Ryder. I hated him for being here, for holding me while I cried.

And I hated him the most because I didn’t hate him at all.



Everything was falling apart.

I couldn’t trust Wolf. Not only did he hide the truth from me, but he was a vampyre. He was an abomination. He was half a blood-sucking monster.

How was I supposed to put my life in his hands during the final test? How was I supposed to count on him to protect me?

Wolf didn’t come back that night. I lay in bed above the covers, listening to the wind howl outside for hours on end. Each creak of stone in the hallway, each howl of wind outside the window, made my heart skip.

The Transcendent was starting today.

I couldn’t help but wonder if Wolf was out there somewhere drinking someone’s blood, or maybe he had run away for good, left me here to complete the final test alone.

Hells, maybe I would be safer alone.

By the time the sun crept through the tiny window in our stone bedroom, I had convinced myself Wolf was gone. He was never coming back.

I would have to deal with it.

I sat up in bed, laced my boots on, and tied my black curly hair in a tight bun at the base of my neck.

My entire life, I counted on myself to survive. This was nothing different.

I took one large breath, swung my bedroom door open and—

“What in all hells?” I nearly tripped over the large body lying right in front of my door.

It was Wolf, his black angel wings tucked around him while he slept.

His eyes shot open when he heard me.

“What are you doing out here?” I asked, trying and failing to keep my voice at a whisper. “Have you been here all night?”

He pushed himself to his feet and cleared his throat. “I wanted to give you space.”

I glanced down the hallway, ensuring everyone else’s bedroom doors were closed before gripping his wrist and pulling him inside. “Are you serious right now?” I closed the door behind us and pressed my back against it.