Page 106 of Wings So Wicked

And then traced another scar.

And another.

I only noticed the intention of his actions when he dipped his hand into the water to trace my entire back.

“Huntress.” His breath was a wisp of a shadow in my mind. “You do not know the violence that runs through my veins, begging me to obliterate anyone who lays a hand on you.”

Goosebumps erupted down my arms.

I did not flinch.

I did not hide.

“It’s complicated,” I breathed.

And that was all I said.

Wolf’s hands froze, and I knew he wanted to ask more. He wanted to know exactly who gave me every single one of those lashes. He wanted to avenge me, for whatever reason.

But tonight, I was far, far too exhausted to explain.

Wolf got to work scrubbing the blood off my arms, careful to avoid the larger gashes and taking his time cleaning the sensitive areas. He made no more remarks about my deformed back. He made no more comments about how dangerous blood magic could be.

He bathed me. Like a worried, attentive lover, he washed the blood from my tainted skin.

And for once in my life, I let him.

It must have been at least an hour.

The water of the bath had turned cold by the time Wolf finished. He pulled me from the water and wrapped me in a towel, letting me dry off in private while he fetched me clothes.

His clothes.

Unfortunately for both of us, blood magic hadn’t left me with many spare shirts. The one remaining outfit I had needed to be saved for training.

Either way, I didn’t argue.

His clothes were much, much larger on me, which left my skin room to heal.

I even unwrapped my chest, not bothering to care how my breasts might look under Wolf’s thin shirt.

I reached for the door of the washroom, but Wolf was there, pulling the door open and immediately meeting me at my side.

“Thank you,” I breathed.

He guided me to my bed with ease.

“For helping me. For healing me. I know it’s risky.”

Wolf’s features flickered in the dim light from the lantern. Everyone else in the castle had surely gone to sleep by now.

Somehow, it felt as if we were the only two people in Moira.

He helped me sit on my bed, letting his hands linger on my waist. “Anything for my deadly huntress.”

It had to have been the overwhelming levels of exhaustion that made me reach out to his retracting hand, catching it before he could turn to his own bed. “Will you stay with me?”

He tensed.