Page 82 of Off Limits Daddy

My lips twitched upward. I hoped that this meant Aiden would finally feel free to bloom and grow.

"Veronica seems to be quite settled into your home. Looks like you're about to have everything you ever wanted, Duncan. I’m happy for you."

I shook my head. "Veronica doesn't want what I want." I wondered if I should tell him about the baby. It seemed like Veronica and I still had more to talk about in terms of the baby.

Brett stared at me for a moment. "I don't know what gives you that idea. You told us that this engagement thing was a ruse, so Miranda and I offered to take Aiden until you were well enough to leave this place. She refused."

"It's probably because she thinks Aiden should be in his own space. You know, have some normalcy after all this craziness."

Brett crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't think so. What gives you the idea that she doesn't want you?"

"That's what she said to me when she told me she was pregnant."

Both of Brett's eyebrows lifted straight to his hairline. "Pregnant?"

Oops. I hadn't meant to mention that yet. But the cat was out of the bag now. "Yes. As you can imagine, I was excited to hear that she was pregnant. The truth is, Brett, there's something about her. I can't explain it because she’s sort of like Aiden, closed off. I don’t really know her, but God, how I want to. I’m drawn to her in a way I haven’t been to any other woman. When she told me about the baby, I was excited not just for the baby, but that it would give me a chance to keep her close. To really get to know her. Get to love her. She told me she didn't want that." God, the pain of that was as bad as getting shot in the chest.

"I don’t know, man. She looked like a woman who was settling in to stay at your place."

"Aiden looked all right, though?" I asked, wanting to change the subject.

He nodded. "He looked good. I'm no expert in these things, and I imagine that all this is going to stay with them for a while, but I also know you, Duncan. You’ll make sure he gets whatever he needs to feel safe and secure."

He was right about that.

We chatted a bit longer. But then, feeling tired, I let him know I needed to rest.

“Take care, my friend. I’m heading back to your place to pick up Miranda and Grayson. Do you have a message you’d like me to deliver?”

“Give Aiden a hug for me.”

Brett smiled. “Will do. Take care, Duncan.”

When he left, I reflected on his words until sleep took me under.

I don't knowhow long I was asleep when the sound of my door opening woke me again. Opening my eyes, I saw Veronica enter the room. It took me a moment to recognize her because she was wearing an ivory cable knit sweater and her red hair was hanging loose instead of her usual dark slacks and coat and ponytail. For a moment, I just watched her, taking in her beauty. The anguish at knowing she’d never be mine gave me a pain in my chest that had nothing to do with the two bullets that had pierced it.

Her smile was tentative as she stepped up next to the bed. "How are you feeling? I mean, I know you probably feel like shit after everything, but is it getting better?"

I nodded. "I think so. Or maybe it's just all the drugs they've pumped into me.” Why was she here? Where was Aiden?

Her brow furrowed. "I wonder how they determine how much drugs you need. Horse levels, probably, because you’re such a big man."

My lips twitched upward at her joke even though I didn't want them to. I wanted to be angry at her because it would be easier to keep the love I had for her at bay. But it wasn't her fault she didn't love me.

I looked toward the door. "Is Aiden with you?"

"Miranda and Brett took him over to their place."

So Brett had been wrong. Veronica wasn’t making herself at home in my house. Now that Aiden was safe, she could move on.

"I guess taking care of home and child wore off its charm already?"


I shrugged, wishing that little movement could rid her from my mind, from my heart. “You said you’d stay… that he needed normalcy. But after one night, you’ve sent him to Brett and Miranda’s. I get it. It’s not as exciting as catching bad guys.”

She flinched as if I had slapped her. And then she scowled at me. "I know that I deserve that, Duncan, but you are making it really hard for me to grovel."