Page 58 of Off Limits Daddy

Once everything was cooked, I called Aiden to set the table. Just as I was serving our plates, Veronica appeared. The strangest feeling of relief and happiness filled me to see her here. Like I wasn't in this alone even though her being here was all about her job.

When we were seated, I said, "Hey, buddy, why don't you tell Veronica what we decided to study for homeschool?"


Her eyes lit up. "Oh, fun. Did you know that there was a dinosaur that was a cross between a parrot and a porcupine? It had a beak and quills."

Aiden's eyes rounded in intrigue. I could have kissed Veronica for effectively taking his mind off his troubles.

"Was it big?" he asked.

"Size of a cat."

His mouth rounded, and he looked at me like he wanted me to verify what she was saying. "We need to look that one up, don't we?"

He nodded.

"What else did we talk about learning?" For all the chaos around us, this moment was lovely. No drama. No angst. Just the three of us enjoying dinner. Like a family.


"Did you know that the moon isn't round? It's more like a lemon."

Aiden's eyes narrowed. So did mine.

"You're putting us on."

She shook her head as she twisted her fork through her spaghetti. "It's the truth. I swear."

"How do you know this stuff?" I found myself intrigued by her again. This woman who was all-work and no-play clearly had more to her.

"I have a brother who also liked dinosaurs and space."

"Maybe you should homeschool him."

She blinked. "I… ah…"

"I was just joking. It's just you seem to know a lot of stuff." Her reaction confused me. Did she think I meant it? And if so, why did her face look like she wanted to run away?

When the meal ended, Veronica took over dish duty as usual. I led Aiden into the living room where we built a fortress out of cushions and blankets—a stronghold where no bad guys could ever find us. If only.

Veronica checked on us when the dishes were finished. I invited her to join our fortress construction crew, but she declined.

"I've got work to do."

"Maybe next time." I couldn't help but feel she was glad she couldn't join in. I pushed that away. She had more important things to do.

I read several books to Aiden in our fort, starting the process of teaching him to read. When it was time for bed, I gave him a piggyback ride up to his room to change into his pajamas and brush his teeth. As normal as this all was, tucking him in felt more like an act of protection than a bedtime routine.

He snuggled under the covers and closed his eyes.

"I'm here, buddy," I murmured softly. "I'll always protect you." I lingered for a moment longer in the doorway before turning to secure our home for the night.

Locks clicked into place and the security system was double-checked to make sure it was on as I made my rounds, with a silent prayer that they would hold up if someone tried to break in.

I headed up to my room. It was only just before nine, but I was exhausted. Plus, I knew my days would be full until Veronica made us safe again.

My room felt empty as I entered it. Strange, since it had been a sanctuary before. I changed, putting on lounge pants and climbing into bed. I lay back on my bed, hands folded behind my head as I stared up at the ceiling toward the third floor where Veronica worked. While her all-work ethic had been annoying at times, I was grateful for it now. There was something comforting in knowing that Veronica worked tirelessly just one floor above.