"No, you seem to do very well financially."
I shrugged. "I do all right. I find as I near the big five-O that while I’m successful, I haven’t done all I want to do."
Her brow furrowed. "In what way?"
"Well, I fully expected that by now, I'd be married fifteen or twenty years and have a couple of kids."
"If that is something you wanted, why don't you have it? You're a good person, Duncan. You’re a great father. It’s hard to imagine there isn’t a woman who wouldn’t be interested in you.”
It did all sorts of things inside my chest to hear her say it. "What's the old adage? I just haven't met the right woman. Deciding that maybe I wouldn’t, I determined I would adopt. I'm not really a candidate for adopting a baby, and I can live with that. Besides, I like the idea of helping a child who needs a home. And Aiden is great." I'm sure I had a goofy smile on my face but I didn't care. "That's why I really appreciate your taking on this fake engagement thing. I know there's all sorts of ways this could go completely wrong, but I'm hoping by then, Aiden will be legally mine, or at the very least, I'll be able to convince Social Services that he should stay with me."
She nodded. "Like I said, I'd be happy to vouch for you. I'm not sure if that would help, considering I'm complicit in this little scheme, but still."
"You're Special Agent Veronica Kick-Ass Marsden. Of course, it would help."
She let out a small laugh. It wasn't very big, but it was enough to make me wish I could make her laugh more, louder, freer. And it also made me want to kiss her. I downed my drink to quench the urge.
My smart watch beeped. “It’s nearly midnight.”
She smiled, but her expression was unreadable. I thought maybe she was disappointed, but that was probably me projecting.
“Ten, nine, eight…”
She joined in the countdown until we hit zero. “Happy New Year,” we both chimed. We clicked our glasses and drank. It was a good thing because I nearly kissed her.
I let out a big breath. "I'm thinking I should go up to bed now, Veronica, because I desperately want to kiss you. You told me when we started this that there would be no bedroom games and I fucked that up yesterday. I don't want to fuck it up again. I like this, what we have between us now."
Her eyes rounded, and she blinked, but then she nodded. "I do too."
I stood, picking up my flute and taking hers. “I’ll take care of these and close up for the night.”
She stood as well. "I think I'll put in a little bit more work and then head to bed myself."
"Happy New Year, Veronica."
"Happy New Year, Duncan."
Washing the flutes, running the dishwasher, and closing the house did little to tamp down my desire for her. Fucking hell.
Back in my room, I went straight to the shower. I thought I’d run it on cold to shrink my dick into submission, but then I decided what the hell. I turned on the hot water and stepped under the spray. I closed my eyes and wrapped my hand around my dick, imagining Veronica on her knees, those hot lips of hers sucking my dick. This was a submissive position, but she looked up at me with her fiery green eyes. I liked that, that her sucking me off was a sign of her independence and strength. She wasn’t giving in. She was giving it to me.
Pleasure flooded through me, forcing me to press my hand on the tile wall as I stroked my dick, fast, then slow. Full tip to root, and then, just the rim. My hips rocked, fucking my hand, fucking her mouth.
“Take it all,” I growled.
Her gaze stayed on me as my dick disappeared and reappeared, back and forth. Jesus, it was sexy. My orgasm gathered in my balls. It coiled tight until finally, it burst, spraying cum on the tile.
“Fucking hell.” I pressed my other hand against the wall, bracing myself as I caught my breath and dealt with the ramifications of having Veronica so close by. This would be my life for as long as she was here. Me craving her. Me jacking off in the shower, trying to sate a hunger that could only be satisfied by her.
The next day,Veronica worked, but she did it from home. Aiden and I did our usual chores and prepared for him to start school the next day. We had dinner together with me being the dominant conversationalist. Still, Aiden chimed in when asked a question. Veronica didn’t push him on sharing information. I wasn’t sure if that was because she didn’t have anything to ask or she was simply working to build his trust.
The following morning, I loaded Aiden up into the SUV and took him to school. For once, I think I was more nervous than Aiden was. Initially, the school personnel wanted me to leave him in a drop off place, but that wasn't going to happen. Not on his first day, anyway. So, I walked with Aiden into school, with our first stop at the office to make sure they had his enrollment and find out what room his teacher was in.
Then I walked him to his first grade classroom. His teacher, Ms. Lang, a woman who looked way too young to be a teacher, greeted him and showed him where to put his backpack. Then she led him to his desk.
He sat with his head down and his shoulders pulled in, as if he was hiding from the world. I continued to stand and watch,wanting to encourage one of the other kids to talk to him. If he could make a friend, this would go so much better.
"Mr. Ashworth, Aiden is going to be just fine.” Ms. Lang was clearly telling me it was time for me to go.