"But if I'm not there, it's going to be much more difficult to talk to Aiden."
"Fine, I can be there around four."
It was strange how happy her willingness to follow through with this scam made me. At some point, I'd have to take a look at what it was about Agent Marsden that had me all tied up in knots one minute and ready to do a jig the next.
"Why don’t you come by and get me, and we can go in together?" I decided it would look best if we walked in as a couple. "I'll make arrangements for Aiden to go over to Brett's house. He and Grayson seem to get along pretty well."
"I'll be there at about four."
When we hung up, I called Ms. Thomas back to let her know that Veronica and I would be there a little after four. I headed back down to Aiden's room, and I found him on the floor with his trucks, playing like a six-year-old boy should.
"Aiden. You want to come and see where I work? Your Uncle Brett will be there, and maybe after, we can go over and play with Grayson. Would you like that?"
Aiden nodded, but it felt more like a rote reaction. Like I could've said we were going to the dentist or the moon, and he would nod in agreement.Small steps, I reminded myself.
I got us all bundled up into our coats and Aiden with his mittens and his hat, and we got to the car, heading out to the gym. Brett and I owned a nationwide franchise of them. We ran them from the first one we'd built in Boston. The one Veronica had sauntered into a few weeks ago and blown my fucking mind.
Along with the gyms, Brett also owned another company in the health and nutrition industry. Sometimes, I felt a little guilty asking him to cover for me while Aiden settled in, especially since Brett had a young wife and son as well. But every time I mentioned it, he would remind me of how I had covered for him over the years when he had to deal with his daughter Lindsay, or later as he fell in love with Lindsay’s best friend, Miranda.
It wasn’t that I didn’t work at all. Most of the work was done from home, and I planned to continue, at least until Aiden started school.
Aiden and I arrived at the gym and headed to the back where we found Brett at the desk, going over reports.
He smiled as I walked in. "I didn't know you were coming in."
"It was a last-minute decision. I figured I'd show Aiden around. Maybe someday, this will be his. His and Grayson's." I wanted Aiden to grow up and do whatever the hell made him happy, but I couldn’t deny how cool it was to think of the gym business as my legacy that I’d hand over to him to carry on.
"There's a few years before that happens." His brows drew together. "I heard something interesting from Lindsay last night. I wanted to call and ask you about it but didn't want to interrupt your and Aiden's evening."
I imagined he was talking about my engagement to Veronica as she had mentioned that she had told Oliver and Lindsay about it when she'd gone to visit them.
"If it's about me and Agent Marsden, then you heard correctly."
I looked down at Aiden who was standing patiently next to me.
"Is there anything between you two, or is it just part of the special plan?"
I was glad that Brett was talking in code. I didn't want Aiden to know that my engagement was a scam. Kids often had a way of telling the truth, and I didn’t need him exposing me to his social worker.
I shook my head. "We're doing this for Aiden."
Brett tilted his head to the side as he studied me. "She seems like your type."
I shrugged and acted like it was no big deal. "Maybe before Aiden came along.” It was strange how I didn’t want to tell Brett the truth about my hookup with Veronica. I wasn’t a man to brag, but I also hadn’t been afraid to share some of my more adventurous exploits with him. “She's completely focused on her work."
"I don't know how it’s going to work, but if there's anything I can do to help, let me know."
"Well, since you asked, I was wondering if maybe Miranda would be willing to have Aiden over to play with Grayson this afternoon? Veronica and I need to go to Social Services to do paperwork regarding Aiden's foster placement."
"Absolutely, but if this whole situation is temporary, do you really need to do that?"
I nodded. "Aiden needs atwo-parentfamily."
Brett frowned. "What?"
"That's what his social worker says. Or at least her supervisor. So that's what I'm giving him."