Page 28 of Off Limits Daddy

I nodded. “It’s not real. I’m going undercover. It will allow me to learn what Aiden knows and protect him. But it’s also a good cover to talk to you… and your daughter.”

Immediately Oliver tensed. "Why?"

"Presumably, she spent some time with Donovan and Patrick. Maybe she overheard something."

He was shaking his head before I finished. "If she heard anything, it was about their plan. Olivia has nothing to do with Wally Creighton, and I don't want her entangled in any of this."

I gave him an understanding smile. "I can understand that, Oliver. But she is already a part of this. Besides, like you said, she won’t have any direct information about Wally, most likely. But it's possible Donovan or Patrick said something about Wally that could be useful."

He continued to shake his head. Finally, he rose. "I need to talk to Lindsay about this first. Wait here, and if she's in agreement, I'll bring Olivia back with me."

I nodded and watched as he left the living room. I stood and walked over to the back door, looking out into the back yard. A large swing set took up a significant amount of space. What space was left was covered with toys. For a moment, I wondered what it was like for Oliver to go from bachelorhood to being the father of three four-year-old girls in an instant. The guy had been living a billionaire lifestyle in California up until recently. Now, he was in the bitter cold of Boston, engaged and a father of three. I wonder if he missed that. He didn't act like he did, but you never really knew what was going on with people.

A few moments later, Oliver returned carrying one of the little girls. When she saw me, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder.

"It's okay, baby. Agent Marsden is our friend. You remember that little boy we met at Christmas with Unkadunk? Aiden? Agent Marsden is here to help him."

I sat back down on the couch as Oliver sat in the chair with Olivia on his lap.

"I know that was a very scary time for you, and you're so brave to talk to me. Thank you."

She reminded me of Aiden, the way she curled herself up into Oliver's lap. But she looked at me, which told me she was willing to help if she could.

"I'm wondering if you overheard the lady who took you talking about a man named Wally?"

She shrugged and looked up at her father.

Oliver gave her a reassuring nod. "It's okay. If you heard anything, you can tell her."

She looked at me but only shrugged again.

I decided to try a different tactic. "Can you remember anything that she said? Or maybe Detective Donovan. Did you ever see him?"

"They wanted papers."

I nodded. "That's right. They wanted papers that your Uncle Liam hid."

"My daddy had them."

"That's right. He gave them to them, didn’t he? So you could go home.”

She nodded.

"Did you hear anything else?"

"The lady wanted money."

That had to mean that Darcy Patrick probably wanted to sell the information on the paper.

"I don't think the man did, though. I don't know."

I glanced up at Oliver. "I suppose that could mean that Detective Donovan was the one who wanted to use it against Wally."

"Do you suppose he wanted to use it as a detective or to take over the Crew?" Oliver pondered out loud.

"It could've been both." I returned my attention to the little girl. "Do you remember anything else? Did they talk about anyone else?"

She shook her head and then stopped, her brows drawing together. "The lady said they should get money for the papers because they couldn't do something that the man wanted to do. And I think she said that she didn't know where the papers came from." Her little face scrunched up as she thought again. "And the man said that he had an idea where it came from and they could get more."