I couldn't imagine why Donovan and Patrick wanted Liam’s documents unless they were trying to topple Wally and take over the Crew. And of course, there was this recent piece… the possibility that Aiden witnessed Wally killing Detective Donovan and Darcy Patrick.
I organized the information, and it felt like a picture was forming. But there were still so many missing pieces, pieces I felt that Aiden might be able to fill.
I finished my food and my hot chocolate, and still feeling chilled, I decided I would take a soak in the tub. The garden tub was the reason I rented this apartment. The unit wasn’t big or fancy, but it had a deep garden tub, and there was nothing I liked better than soaking in hot water. I switched from hot chocolate to wine, carrying my glass to the bathroom. I filled the tub with water, pouring in some soothing oils. I piled my hair on top of my head, not wanting to deal with wet hair, and then sank into the water, letting out a long sigh as the warmth seeped through my skin into my bones. Yes. This was heaven. I realized it had been awhile since I’d taken advantage of the tub. The last time was after having sex with Duncan.
Good God, the man was large in every sense of the word, and I felt it deep in my core. In a good way. I wasn’t a giggling type of woman, but I let out a little laugh at the memory. My pussy clenched like it remembered it as well. I wasn’t going to have sex with him again, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t go down memory lane in the privacy of my own bathroom.
My entire body heated at the thought. I braved the cold air as I got out of the tub to get my wet-dry vibrator. I’d always thoughtit was a good size, but Duncan’s dick dwarfed it. I wondered if I’d need to buy a bigger size now.
I climbed back into the tub, sighing again as the warm water enveloped me. I sipped my wine then set it aside. Closing my eyes, I imagined the sauna. Duncan stood inside, in all his beefy, naked glory. The man was truly built. I wanted to touch and taste every inch of him, especially his cock. My pussy tingled. My nipples hardened.
I ran the vibrator over my nipples and then down between my legs. For now, it was off as my imagination was doing a great job of turning me on.
Instead of me riding him, I imagined him taking control, turning me so I knelt on the bench with my hands on the upper bench.
He rubbed his dick along my pussy, making me whimper. “You like my cock, don’t you?”
“Yes.” God, I wanted more. So much more. I slipped the tip of the vibrator inside my pussy. I was right. I would need to buy a new one as this one felt too thin.
“Tell me what you want.”
“Fuck me.”
In my fantasy, he thrust in, filling me, making me gasp in a mixture of pain and pleasure from his size. Slipping the vibrator deeper, I turned it on.
“Oh, God…” With Duncan’s large cock in my mind, I fucked myself with the vibrator. I imagined his large hands gripping my hips as he plunged in again and again. My body convulsed and thrashed. Water sloshed from the tub.
“I’m going to cum inside your hot pussy.”
“Yes, yes, yes…” I chanted until I hit the pinnacle. I angled the vibrator, hitting the sweetest spot, and I flew.
I drew my orgasm out until I finally went limp in the tub. For a moment, I focused on the hot water around me. The aroma ofthe oils. The hum of my body after an orgasm. This was nice. Not as mind-blowing as the real thing, but nice all the same.
As I enjoyed my bath, though, I began to think about returning to Duncan’s gym.
Veronica. The name fit her. Strong, yet sexy as hell.
I watched her car leave until I couldn’t see the taillights, and then I headed back inside. Back in the house, I enjoyed time with Brett’s family while keeping a close eye on Aiden. Had Veronica’s visit affected him? Aiden was shy and withdrawn, but that was his normal MO. He didn't seem any more so now as I watched him play quietly with the other kids. I wanted to talk to him about her visit, but at the same time, it was Christmas, and a little boy should be able to enjoy Christmas.
The next day, I woke up with Aiden curled up into a ball on the pillow next to me. It was cute and a part of me was pleased that he felt comfortable enough to come to me. At the same time, I worried that he'd been fearful and that was why he had shown up. Then again, if he was afraid, it didn’t have to be because of the picture he drew. We were in a new home and a new bed. It wouldn’t be unusual for a six-year-old to be fearful of that, right?
By midmorning, I had packed us up into the car and we were heading back to Boston. I played children's music and triedto sing along. Aiden was quiet, but every now and then, when I looked through the rearview mirror to where he sat in the backseat, I could see him mouthing the words to the music. That was progress, right?
When we arrived home, I helped him put all his toys and gifts away and then made us lunch of grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup. We sat at the table together because I read somewhere that families that ate together had more well-adjusted children. I worked to have a normal conversation with him, and while he would give me one-word or short-phrase answers, I was doing the heavy lifting of holding the conversation together.
Several times, I wanted to ask him his impressions of Veronica's visit and the picture he had drawn, but I was afraid he’d withdraw more and I would lose the gains I'd made with him. So instead, I kept everything light and easy.
I had taken a few days off to further help with Aiden's adjustment into my home. I was grateful that Brett was willing to pick up the slack in the business, but soon, I would need to go back to work. Fortunately, school started just after New Year's and I’d be enrolling Aiden into first grade. I had vacillated on whether to send Aiden to public school or private school, and ultimately, I settled on private school. I had nothing against public school, having graduated from it myself. But I felt like Aiden needed the smaller class size and the attention that I believed a private school could give him. And if there was any chance of danger surrounding him, I thought the private school would offer him more protection.
But until then, I was spending my days feeding and playing with Aiden. Two days after Christmas, we had just finished lunch and Aiden had gone up to his room to change his shirt after spilling macaroni and cheese on it.
I was doing the dishes when there was a knock at the door. I made my way to the door, looking through the peephole to make sure Wally Creighton or one of his crew wasn’t standing on the other side. Instead, I saw his social worker, Carrie Thomas.
I opened the door and gave her my signature smile. "Ms. Thomas. I didn't realize surprise visits were part of the program."