Page 11 of Off Limits Daddy

My brow furrowed. So did hers. “Agent Marsden?”

Was this right? “I’m looking for Duncan Ashford.”

“Uncle Dunc? Why?”

How was this Duncan related to Lindsay, who was involved in my case through her former relationship with Liam Quinlan?


She opened the door to let me in, and sure enough, there was Oliver.

“What are you doing here?”

“This is my father’s place,” Lindsay explained.

Meanwhile, Oliver looked pale as he rounded up three little girls who didn’t want to be rounded up.

Another woman approached. “What can I help you with?”

“I was told Duncan Ashford was here. I need to speak with him.”


“She’s with the FBI, Mira,” Lindsay told the other woman.

“Is something wrong? Are Lindsay and the girls in danger?” Oliver asked.

“I’m not aware of any threat. As I said, I’m here?—”

“I’ll get him.” Lindsay glanced at Oliver as she headed out of the living room. It made me wonder if there was something more between them than friendship.

A few moments later, Lindsay returned with an enormous man…oh, my God.

“I understand you need to see—” He stopped short when he saw me. For a moment, we stared at each other. He gave his head a small shake. "What's this about?"

I pulled myself together. “I'm sorry to interrupt your Christmas. But are you the foster parent of Aiden Brennan?"

“Why does the FBI need to know that?”

"As I said, my name is Agent Marsden. I'm working on a case involving organized crime and identity theft." I glanced over toward Oliver and Lindsay and then back at Duncan, still wondering how he fit in with Lindsay and Oliver.

"What does that have to do with Aiden?" he asked.

"I believe Aiden was a witness to the murder of a police detective and another woman. I’m here to interview him and protect him.”

He stepped in front of Aiden. “It’s my job to protect Aiden.”

Lindsay’s friend jumped up. “Come on, kiddos. Let’s go to the kitchen and get more cookies.” She looked at Duncan. “Aiden should come too.”

He nodded for Aiden to go with her and then turned back to me.

“You don’t know who you’re dealing with.”

“I don’t give a fuck. Aiden is my boy. I’ll protect him.”

For the first time, I didn’t see the large teddy-bear-ish man. I saw someone who could be lethal if he wanted to be. Not that it scared me because it didn’t. I looked at him with an expression that told him just that.

“Unkadunk?” Lindsay said, putting her hand on Duncan’s arm. “These people took Olivia. You should take them seriously.”