“No.” I sigh, “It’s been over a week. I guess it’s over before it really started. I can’t believe I am so heartbroken over him. I barely know him.”
She reaches across the table and cups my hands in hers. “Time is irrelevant. It’s the depth of the connection that matters. Maybe you should extend the olive branch first?”
“Um, definitely not doing that.” He's the one who hurt me not the other way around.
“The only mistake I made was opening my heart to him. He came to my home to make sure I went to the cider-tasting event with him. Before that, I had already decided to forfeit my ticket. Then he left me sitting at this very romantic table without an actual explanation. I’m tired of having a broken heart. From now on, it’s just me and Maggie. I don’t have room for anyone else in my life anyway.”
“Um, Sarah. . ." She shifts in her seat uncomfortably. "Daryl and Nancy are coming to dinner tonight, and Zach was invited. Should I still save you a seat like normal?”
“No. I still have some leftovers from the other day. Thanks though.”
“Ok, if you change your mind, you are more than welcome to join.”
“I have to get to the office. Lisa has a home she is showing to a few clients today and Trixie has an appointment, so I will be manning the office until lunchtime. See you later?” Aunt Michelle nods in response. “Come on, Mags, let’s go.”
After a few hours at the office, Trixie rushes in the door. Her red hair is straightened to glossy perfection.
“Trixie? Is that you?” I am flabbergasted at her transformation.
“Yup, what do you think?” She does a slow twirl around to show her new look complete with a professional plum blazer, pencil skirt, and purple-rimmed glasses.
“You look fabulous! What’s the occasion?” I ask and reach out to touch her silky smooth hair.
“I had an interview at the bank today. I’m hoping to get a small business loan to open a bakery!” She is ecstatic and I cheer her on. “I should hear back from them next week.”
“Woah. Well, if you took them samples of that maple Nutella pumpkin pie of yours, I am positive you will get that loan!” I assure her. I hear a loud moan from Maggie. I turn to see her with her leash in her mouth and her tail wagging rapidly.
“I guess she needs to go for a walk. Do you mind if I take my lunch now?” I ask Trixie.
“Of course, I got it from here.”
I put the leash on Maggie and head to the grassy area of the town square. The Maple Days Festival is officially over. Not a trace of the previous weekend’s activities appears in the picturesque place. The area is restored to the perfectly manicured park it normally is. Maggie and I stroll along the walkway for a bit, and then suddenly, she barks and pulls out of my grasp.
Zach is across the street and Maggie runs full speed for him.
“Maggie, NO!” I yell. Zach turns in response to my shout and just at that moment…
Screeching tires, a thud, and a “YELP!”
“NO!” The tortured scream doesn’t even feel like it comes from my mouth. I will my legs to run faster to reach her, to cradle her, save her from the car. Zach beats me there. He immediately assesses the damage. The driver of the car apologizes profusely, but I am singularly focused on my best friend. My heart is in a million pieces. I might die with her at any moment.
Isobuncontrollablyandgasp, “Maggie.”
Zach’s startling blue eyes bore into mine. “She’s still alive and breathing. I don’t see any blood, but I need to get her back to my office so I can better understand what I am dealing with. You can ride with me.” He effortlessly scoops up my baby girl.
Without question, I follow him to his truck, open the passenger side door for him to place Maggie inside, and squeeze in next to her.
Maggie is still breathing but makes painful whimpering sounds. I pet her face as calmly as possible. Once we arrive at Zach’s clinic. I open the door for him so he can pick her up. Mags lets out another heart-shattering yelp at first. He takes her to the first available exam table. Jen arrives just a few minutes behind us; luckily, she was already on her way back from her lunch break.
“I’m going to have you wait in my office. It’s more comfortable. I need Jen to take over for you.” He nods to Jen; she understands and puts a hand on Maggie. He opens the door for me and then gestures for me to follow.
He handwrites a quick sign,Closed for an emergency, locks the front door again, and tapes the sign up on the glass part of the door. I follow him down a short hallway to his office. It’s moderately sized with a pull-out sofa, television, and, of course, laptop with desk and chair.
“I don’t know how long this is going to take, but I am going to run some X-rays and then probably take her in for surgery. I am fairly certain she broke her front paw, but other than that, I don’t know yet.”