“I really just called to say thank you; you’ll always be family no matter what.”

“Thank you, that really means a lot.” As I say goodbye, my chest tightens with the heartache that I have been avoiding all day. It is the anniversary of Susie’s death tomorrow. Guilt comes rushing back in full force, threatening to consume me as if she just died this morning. I quickly wipe the tears that managed to escape.

I walk over to Sarah. As soon as our eyes meet, she gives me a wide smile, but I just can’t seem to return it.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m so sorry. I can’t do this. I have to go. I promise, it’s not you.” I kiss her cheek and don’t look back.



InoticeZachpacingwhile he’s talking on the phone and rubbing the back of his head. He’s clearly uncomfortable. I am trying not to pry, but I can’t help continuing to observe him. He grabs his forehead and then brushes his hand over his face. He ends the call and just stares at the phone. After a deep inhale, he strolls over. When he doesn’t smile back at me, I know it is something serious.

He leaves me sitting there speechless. I thought everything was going well and the kiss was amazing. I mean, he initiated it. A fresh upsurge of red-hot embarrassment sweeps over me. He left me sitting here, in this very romantic spot, alone. I shift my glances around the room and repeatedly smooth my hair.How am I going to leave without people staring at me?

“I promise, it’s not you…”That simple phrase is such a slap in my face. My bruised ego is suddenly ablaze with bitter fury. This constant hot and cold ends tonight. I just want to get home and snuggle Maggie. Unsure of the normal decorum with this event, I grab my purse and find a five-dollar bill; it’s better to leave a tip than not.

I march out of the event as discreetly as possible. I pull my phone out of my clutch and call Michelle to see if she is still around.

“Hey! How’s the tasting going?”

“Um ok. Are you still here?”

“Yes, we’re about ready to head back home.”

“Great! Can I catch a ride with you? Those ciders are starting to hit.” I fake giggle to keep my voice sounding light.

“Sure, I’ll have Uncle Nate take the Jeep home and I’ll meet you at your truck.”

Aunt Michelle gives me a hug and then scans the area. “What happened to Zach?”

I avoid her gaze at first. “He left,” I say as evenly as I can muster.

“Oh, honey.” She embraces me once more. “The universe has a habit of straightening things out. If it’s meant to be, and I think it is, it will be.” We drive home in silence.



Afteraweekofwithdrawing into my cabin and just snuggling Maggie, I stroll over to the main entrance of the inn in hopes of some pie. Maggie rushes forward and finds Cookie. She must’ve known we were coming. Cookie produced a dog treat from thin air and presented it to my pup.

“Cookie that’s enough treats. I’ll have to put her on a diet soon.”

“Hey, there is a glimmer of the Sarah I remember,” Cookie pointedly says. Before I can respond, we hear a sudden—

CRASH! The high-pitched clang of metal hitting the floor precedes an “I’m ok! Everything is fine!” from the kitchen.

“DOMINGO!” Cookie tears off into the kitchen. “What is it this time?!” She bellows loud enough, I’m certain our neighbor two miles away can hear her.

Wow,I mouth to Michelle. I sit opposite her and order a coffee since Kate isn’t working today.

“How are you feeling, dear?” She stares at me with concern.


“Have you talked to Zach?”