“Ok Ms. Chambers, you are the tiebreaker. Are you ready?” Judy nods and quickly turns the sign to face the crowd.
“Two! Congratulations, Trixie McClendon! Your Nutella maple pumpkin pie is this year’s winning recipe.” Our table stands up to give her a standing ovation—even Cookie joins in. She looks to Michelle. “It really is a fantastic pie.”
“I have to go cheer my assistant up. Would you like to come?” I ask her. She decides to hang back to talk with Trixie and Cookie.
I walk over to Jen and give her a hug. She doesn’t look upset or defeated; in fact, she looks ecstatic.
“You were up against some tough competition, Jen. Your pie was fantastic and my personal choice. What was the secret ingredient?”
“Kiwi!” Jen says. “That’s why everyone had to sign a waiver when they walked in.”
IwanderovertoSarah and almost put my hand on the small of her back. Instead, I opt to lightly touch her upper back. The action prompts a side grin.
“We should get going to the tasting event. It will be starting soon.”
I grab her hand and hope she doesn’t think I am being too aggressive. As we walk and hold hands, I see Whitney with her group of friends. I try to ignore the furious gaze she shoots at us and instinctively position myself in front of Sarah until we get to the tent for the hard apple cider tasting.
“Have you tried the maple elderberry cider? My aunt says it’s… well, she didn’t say. She blew a chef’s kiss,” Sarah explains and emulates the chef’s kiss by touching the fingers of her left hand to the thumb, touching her lips, and then dramatically releasing them. Her jade eyes flicker against the yellow glow of the fairy lights.
“I haven’t, but my favorite is the cactus fruit cider. If the brewery brought it this year…” I return the chef’s kiss to her. Her genuine laugh is contagious. I find myself imagining a future with her. I know it is entirely too soon, but I feel like I have known Sarah my whole life.
The hostess shows us to our special table.
“Your server will be here soon.” She walks away before we sit.
I pull out the seat for Sarah. Just before she sits down, I seize my opportunity. My stomach flips in excitement and my heart thunders in my ears. She looks up at me with her electric green eyes that practically glow in the hue of the fairy lights. I brush her hair out of her face; she parts her lips. I take her mouth with mine, soft at first then with more urgency. She nips my lower lip.
“Ahem,” the server makes his presence known. Reality slams me back to earth, but the scorching flames of desire are still blazing. Sarah sits in her seat and I glide to mine.
The server drops off the first sample of hard cider. It’s a blood orange flavor paired with an autumn spiced apple and pork salad. “Wow, this town really knows how to cook!” Sarah is clearly trying to change the subject.
“I um,” I take a gulp of the cider. “I know we’re trying to take it slow. I just couldn’t help myself.”
“I’m definitely not complaining.” She bites her lower lip.
The server brings the next course and it’s a tortilla soup with cactus fruit cider.
“Aw look what we have here.” I pause. “Was I right or what?”
Sarah takes a dramatic pause then puts her fingers to her lips and blows a kiss. “This is going to be tough to beat.”
My phone vibrates in my pocket. “I’m so sorry, I need to take this.” I apologize to Sarah and walk away from the table.
“Hello?” I answer the call and immediately start pacing.
“Hi, Zach,” Susie’s mother replies. “Did I catch you at a bad time? It sounds kind of busy wherever you are.”
“No, I always have time to talk with you,” I tell her. She starts to sob into the phone. A lump grows in my throat and I try to keep my own tears from forming.
“Thank you for the flowers, I just can’t believe she’s been gone six years now. I just miss her so much, especially this time of year.”
“I remember how much she loved autumn.” I struggle to keep my voice from cracking.
“Yes,” Mrs. Sawyer sniffs, “hayrides, pumpkin pie, apple cider.” I look up and see Sarah animatedly chatting with one of the Moonridge Brewery owners.