“The big town scandal this year is that the only reason Mrs. O’Conner ended up on the judging panel is her close relationship with the MC.”
“Well, that’s some juicy gossip,” Sarah giggles.
“What can I say, this is a small town with low crime. We have to find scandals somehow.”
“Finalists, when I call your name, please stand up. After some rigorous debate, our three finalists this year are Cookie Brown, Jennifer Durango, and Trixie McClendon.” Everyone claps vigorously.
I notice the clear confusion on Sarah’s face as she looks towards Lisa who shrugs then mouths,I had no idea!
“Congratulations on getting this far. Contestants, please take your seats. Now, allow me to introduce your judges for this year’s event…”
My mom leans over to me and brushes my arm.
“A mother always knows.” She raises her eyebrows, then nods in Sarah’s direction with a wink.
“Maybe,” I concede.
“Shelly, bring out the blindfolds please.” Mayor O’Conner pauses. “Just to ensure there is no favoritism, we will ensure that our judges do not know which pie is which. Okay, looks like everyone is set. Servers, please bring out pie number one.”
The servers bring out the first sample. It is a fruit pie with a flaky crust and lattice top. Sarah eagerly grabs her fork. I touch her arm and motion for her to wait.
“Excellent, everyone has been served. You may all take the first bite.” We all start to eat; the area fills with conversation and indistinct murmuring amongst the numerous “yums.” I motion for Sarah to look at the judges.
This first pie is an interesting combination of blueberries and a hint of something I can’t quite put my finger on. It adds brightness to the pie, but it’s not lemon juice. The crust is perfectly flaky. The lattice crust on top has a hint of maple and brown sugar and is browned expertly. Cookie might have a run for her money this year, but I decide it is safer to keep that opinion to myself.
“Every year, they blindfold them.” I laugh and lean into Sarah then continue, “No matter how hard they try to eat poised and elegantly, they still end up missing their mouths and spilling bites on themselves.” The crowd chuckles as Bradly, the TV chef-testant, especially has difficulty finding his mouth.
“Forks down. Okay, volunteers, please help our lovely judges clean up.” The judges are giggling at themselves as the young volunteers try to clean their faces. Meanwhile, the servers remove the first plates and replace them with pie number two.
“Ok folks, time to try the second pie.” He steps to the side and grabs a bite himself.
The murmuring andmmmsresume. This pie is a maple pumpkin with a homemade graham cracker crust and maple whipped cream. Cookie appears perplexed as she attempts to figure out the secret ingredient.
Sarah looks at Cookie. “Is that Nutella?”
“YES!” Cookie exclaims. “Your palate is really amazing, Sarah.”
She really is truly something special. My heart swells with pride. I get to be near her.
“Forks down. Volunteers, if you please,” the emcee requests. This time, the chocolatier is the messiest one; the volunteer tries to direct her to clean up the chef coat that is now covered in whipped cream and pumpkin pie filling. She keeps missing the spot and is starting to get frustrated. “Oh, you just do it,” she hands the wet wipe to the young girl trying to help her. Once again, the servers seamlessly remove the old plates and replace them with new pies.
“Everyone ready for the last pie?” The crowd murmurs in delight. “Ok, you may take your bites.” This one is Cookie’s famous Maple Caramel Apple Pie. It really is heaven in food form.
Michelle leans over and tells Sarah and me some more gossip, “I heard that Darla has been practicing eating blindfolded ever since she secured her spot on the judging panel.”
Sarah laughs and says, “So that’s how she looks so pristine compared with the other two judges.”
Mayor O’Conner sticks out his stomach and rubs it. “Whoo, I am just stuffed to the brim. Alright, judges … Now you have a sign and a marker. I want you all to write 1, 2, or 3 and vote for your favorite pie. Oh, but wait, don’t show us yet.”
Bradley almost started to show his selection.
“Is everyone ready?” The mayor waits until all three judges nod in agreement. “Ok since you were so anxious to show us your choice, Mr. Wine, we will start with you. Please show the crowd who you chose.”
Bradley quickly flips the sign over to reveal the number three for Cookie’s pie. The crowd claps with approval.
“Ok Darla, my dear, show us your selection.” Darla grabs her sign and reveals a number two. “Sorry, Cookie,” she says into the microphone.
“No problem, honey. That pie was scrumptious,” Cookie yells from our table.