I stroll off to the trailers that look like adorable tiny houses. These are port-a-potties but the most elegant and best-smelling ones I’ve ever been in. Each trailer has four sets of stalls on the inside complete with a bathroom attendant. The inside seriously feels like a five-star hotel washroom. I don’t think this town could be any more adorable than it already is.
I leave the tiny cottage and see Zach with Whitney, the flirtatious barista. She is twirling her hair like a teenager and looking up at him with clear lust. I can only see Zach’s profile, so I am having trouble gauging the interaction. I contemplate interrupting their conversation but stop in my tracks when I see his hand gently stroke her face. My breath catches in my chest and my heart squeezes. My head begins to pound and my heart starts to thunder. I turn around and storm off to my truck without a word. I feel the sting of tears forming on the corners of my eyes. I try to suppress those tears, but one solitary drop slides down my left cheek. After the initial ache, frustration from falling for him so quickly overwhelms me. Then, anger rears its ugly head. He is such a womanizer! Just like Rick. I guess all men are the same.
The drive to the inn is quick and uneventful. I park at the main entrance and march inside.
“Hey, hun!” Aunt Michelle is sitting in the front room reading a book. Maggie jumps up from next to her and greets me. I kneel and scratch behind her ears. She is so loving. She immediately cheers me up.
“So, how did it go? Did you win the contest?” Michelle questions me.
“Oh, yes, I won the carving contest. And I tied with Zach in the apple-picking contest.” I try to sound flat and nonchalant.
“Well, that’s just awesome! Congratulations! Sorry, I couldn’t make it. We didn’t have any front desk coverage until just now.”
“Oh, that’s ok.”
“Are you ok, hun?”
“Yeah, I just need some snuggles from Maggie and a long restful sleep. It was more activity than I am used to.”
Aunt Michelle gives me a motherly hug. I try Maggie off-leash. She walks next to me like I’ve had her for years. I open the driver’s side door and she hops in and sits in the passenger seat.
My phone vibrates in my pocket with a text from Zach.
Are you ok? What happened to you?
I just hold it in my hand and stare at it for a second before I decide how best to respond. It’s not like I am his girlfriend. I can’t yell at him for touching another woman’s face. But then again, he did lead me on. My emotions are just a train wreck.
I wasn’t feeling well and I needed to go home. I didn’t think to tell you.
This is exactly why I am done with men. I have to lie so I don’t sound clingy or like a lovesick crazy teenager. I can’t tell him he hurt my feelings. I can’t tell him I am angry that he was just holding my hand, hugging me, and then caressing Whitney’s perfect face. I put my phone on silent and turn it face down on the nightstand. I call Maggie up to the bed with me. She nestles in right next to me as I allow myself just a moment to weep silently into slumber.
The next morning, I wake to one last text message from Zach.
See you at the apple cider tasting tomorrow evening?
I am not sure how to respond. I won that ticket fair and square, but I’m not ready to face him. Maybe I didn’t handle things the best. I still have unresolved heartbreak to work through. I ignored all the red flags with Rick. But am I overcompensating with Zach and jumping to conclusions?
Urgent knocking at my door startles me.
Maggie makes one gruff bark, runs to the door, and starts wagging her tail. I use the peephole in the door and see Zach.
I crack the door open. “Hey.”
Zach holds up a paper bag and some coffee. “I brought you some coffee and a blueberry muffin.”
“Thank you, come in.” I open the door for him to walk in.
“Oh, um.” He suddenly seems anxious, and I notice him trying not to stare.
I take a sharp breath in and cover my bosom. “I’ll be right back.” I am bra-less in a tank top and the girls are being rather unruly. I grab an oversized sweatshirt and return to the living room.
We silently agree to pretend that didn’t just happen.
Zach sits on the sofa and clears his throat. “So, are you feeling better?” Maggie lays her head on his lap, and he continues to stroke her soft coat.
“Um yes, a bit,” I say sitting on the loveseat opposite him.
“Good. I thought I might have done something wrong, the way you just left me there.” Zach boldly stares into my eyes.