I lean into Zach and say, “Loser buys a cup of caramel apple cider now and dinner later?”
“You’re on,” he says. “I’m thinking a big juicy steak. I hope you’re prepared to pay for that.” He laughs.
“Not going to happen. I hope you’re ready to pay for some filet mignon, though.”
“Ok, put fifteen minutes on the clock. When the timer ends, I will use the blowhorn again to signify the end of part one. You’ll then make your way back to the first table for the official count. But stick around for part 2.” Janelle continues, “Ready, set, pick.” Janelle blows the airhorn.
Zach and I run to the trees, and using the provided pruning shears from our basket, we quickly start picking apples. It’s a race against time and I keep having a little trouble with the removal. I look over at Zach and he already has half a basket full. He cuts through the stem deftly and efficiently. I admire how he is so good at everything he tries, but my competitive nature roars to life with a vengeance. I quit using the shears that feel quite dull and resort to twisting off the apples by hand. Surprisingly, this speeds up my capture rate significantly. Before I can start to gloat, a volunteer brings him another basket.
“Are you using surgical shears over there?” I shout at him.
“Nope, just looking forward to a free steak with a side of lobster,” he laughs.
I fail to make a great retort before the blast of the blowhorn. He puts an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into a side hug. His masculine, woodsy cologne with a hint of geranium and lavender envelopes me with desire. At the last moment, he pulls away and grabs my basket. The loss of his touch leaves me empty and hungry for more than a hug.
Whenthetimergoesoff for the apple-picking portion, Sarah’s adorable scowl makes me want to reach out and kiss her. I settle for a side hug. She smells lightly of flowers with a hint of citrus and apple blossoms.I’m sniffing her.I need to stop. I chivalrously grab her full bushel of apples and set down both our baskets at the designated volunteer.
“Participants, excellent work. The official counter with the help of our fabulous volunteers will continue to count your apples,” Janelle explains. “While we wait, let us move on to the second portion of the contest. Now, contestants. Pick a table, two people to a table. When I blow the horn again, you will very carefully begin peeling your apples. You will have ten minutes to peel as many apples as possible. You’ve each been given thirty apples. The one who peels the most in the time given wins. Any questions?”
No one speaks up. “Great! Contestants, take your places and put on the provided aprons,” Janelle instructs.
I make sure to be at the table with Sarah. “Prepare to lose,” she warns me playfully.
“You just focus on not cutting your finger off,” I playfully respond.
“Ready, set, BEEEP!” The horn screeches, signaling the start.
I grab the provided vegetable peeler; it’s an older one and keeps swiveling every time I make a cut. I look at Sarah, and she’s already peeled four apples. My jaw drops in awe.
“How are you so fast?!”
“We all have our talents.” She looks at me coyly.
“BEEEEP!” Janelle blows the airhorn. “Peelers down, arms up. Excellent!”
Three judges divide and conquer to count the number of peeled apples for each contestant. They quickly hand the tallies to the judge who performed the picked apples count. He adds the two numbers together to find the ultimate winner.
He hands a note to Janelle. “Thank you so much for your patience. I know we’re all dying to know who won the table for two at the hard apple cider tasting tomorrow night.”
“And the winner is…” Janelle opens the note. “Judge, is this correct?”
The judge nods. “I just can’t believe it. We have a tie between Zach Walker and Sarah Murphy! Congratulations, I guess you get to split the special table.” The crowd erupts in cheers and applause.
“I guess we’re also splitting dinner tonight, then,” I whisper in her ear.
“How about cheeseburgers, then?” she offers.
I chuckle softly. “That sounds much better.”
The crowd disperses. Sarah and I head over to Janelle to retrieve our tickets. Sarah’s eyes are bright and her cheeks are a rosy hue of happiness. I’m more attracted to her than ever. Until my thoughts stray… Susie would have loved this. My heart clench in remembrance. She’s been gone nearly six years now, but this still feels like a betrayal.
“Are you ok?” Sarah’s eyebrows furrow.
“Yeah,” I fib. “Are you hungry? I know I worked up an appetite.”