“He brought it by a while ago,” she divulged. “So… what’s it say?!” she practically squeals with the anticipation. It must have taken every ounce of her willpower not to peek at the card.
“‘Sorry about this morning. It’s not what you think. Zach,’” I read. “Jerk stole my coffeeagainthis morning while he was flirting with that Whitney girl,” I explain, my annoyance seeping out like poisonous gas.
“Is Lisa here yet?”
“No, she called and said you’d swing by today before the pumpkin carving contest." Trixie looks disappointed I change the subject, but she doesn't push. "She requested that you just drop off your estimate of the property and the notes, and she will look at them later. We’re closing up shop early again. Lisa loves the town festivals.”
TheexpressiononSarah’sface is seriously sexy but slightly scary. I have never met anyone who gets so angry over coffee. However, as a fellow caffeine addict, I totally understand. Poor Whitney looks frightened to death. I try to explain to Sarah what happened and how I ended up with her coffee again, but she is in no mood for explanations. Her feistiness is attractive. I keep telling everyone I am not ready to try dating again, but this woman might just change all of that. I watch her walk out in a huff. I have to find a way to make it up to her.
As I leave the café, Whitney pouts at me. I can tell it’s her way of flirting, but she looks like a foolish child. I’m not interested in her at all. She is far too young. Besides, I prefer a woman who can challenge me. I politely wave bye and remind myself to let her down easy the next time I see her.
A few doors down is the best flower shop in town:Wildflowers.
“Well, hello Doctor Walker,” the floral shop owner says.
“Hi Marcy, how’s Noodles?” I inquire. Noodles is her seven-year-old mutt. She was aptly named by Marcy’s four-year-old son because her stool had “noodles,” aka worms, in it.
“Oh, she’s doing fine now, thanks to you,” Marcy reassures me. “I haven’t seen you in here in a long time. Who’s the lucky girl?”
This town is full of gossip; there is no way I am letting anyone know anything. “My mom,” I fib. Unfortunately, I think she can tell, but she has enough grace to keep silent about it.
“Well, what do you have in mind? I have some beautiful roses, chrysanthemums, and I just got a shipment of snake plants.”
I glance around. Roses are too love-related.; I barely know Sarah. I continue to search the room. On the side display, I spot a succulent arrangement in a festive pumpkin pot. “This one.”
“Perfect, I just made that this morning,” Marcy explains.
I write a quick note, pay, and then leave the store. I stride towards Lisa’s realty office. When I walk in, I see the receptionist that called me the other day. She immediately starts grooming herself as I enter.
“You must be Trixie.” Her jaw drops in surprise. “I’m Dr. Walker. We spoke on the phone the other day.”
“Oh yes, how can I help you?” Her eyes light up.
“Is Sarah here?” I ask, a little embarrassed.
As if by magic, Lisa appears from behind the receptionist’s wall. “No, I sent her to scope out some property.” She smiles suspiciously. “Can I help you with something?”
“Uh no, I… well—”
“Are those for her?” Lisa raises one eyebrow and nods at the pumpkin pot in my hands.
“Uh, yes. Would you mind giving it to her?”
“Of course,” she takes the pot and puts it next to Trixie.
I awkwardly turn to leave and Lisa is instantly at my side. “I talked to your mother yesterday.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes, we were discussing Sarah. She’s such a fun and sweet young woman, don’t you think?” The collar of my shirt begins to tighten and I squelch the urge to pull at it.
“Well, I don’t really know about the sweet part,” I chuckle.
“Your mom and I agree that she might just be the perfect match for you. I am just delighted to see that you’re making the first step,” she says.