Zach turns around and looks at me.

I roll down my window. “Sorry, that was an accident.” My face is hot from embarrassment. He smiles and waves goodbye. I drive away as quickly as possible. I see him look back in my rearview mirror. He's making my no-more-men policy difficult to enforce.



WhenIgethome,I pick up Maggie and bring the large pumpkin inside. I place the pumpkin on the coffee table and sit on the brown sofa behind it. For a while, I just stare blankly at my new canvas. Then in a stroke of brilliance, the idea forms. I map out the design based on the Starry Night Inn and the painting of the same name by Van Gogh.

I work into the late night. This superb display of both creativity and ingenuity has to give me the advantage I need to beat Zach. He is such a puzzle. Sometimes he seems like an arrogant jerk, and other times he is kind and thoughtful. But he did steal my coffee three times and made it seem like the vet appointment was a date. So embarrassing.

I am supposed to be done with men and I intend to stick to that. It’s just me and Maggie, my new love. I cuddle my sweet pup before going off to bed.

Breakfast the next morning is an interesting affair. As soon as I enter the dining area with Maggie in tow, I hear Cookie’s loud voice instructing Domingo in the kitchen. Aunt Michelle is sitting at a table next to the window. It overlooks the pond and water feature in the garden area. A family of ducks roost next to the pond. Maggie rushes over to Michelle. Her face lights up, and she gives Maggie a nose-to-nose greeting.

“I hope you don’t mind, I brought her in here,” I say.

“Oh no, we should probably just keep her away when the health inspector comes for a visit. Shouldn’t be anytime soon though,” Aunt Michelle says.

A young waitress comes by the table to check on us. “Can I get anything for you?”

“Yes, I desperately need some coffee,” I say.

“Sure thing,” she scurries off.

“Long night?” Aunt Michelle asks with a hit of delight.

“Kind of, I was designing the pattern for my pumpkin. It’s intricate."

“Oh! What did you design?” she asks eagerly.

The waitress brings the coffee with some cream and sugar. I take a sip of it black.Ugh, it’s bitter and tastes like tar.Aunt Michelle laughs at my expression.

“Kate is a great waitress, but her coffee brewing skills need improvement,” Aunt Michelle continues. “I opted for tea today. Cookie’s already chastised her for it today.”

“So, tell me what is this amazing pattern that came up with?” she prods again.

“Sorry. Top secret. You’ll just have to wait like everyone else,” I tease.

“Okay, what are your other plans today?” she asks, conceding in defeat.

“Lisa asked me to swing by a property and give her an analysis so that I prove my skills as a marketer of real estate.”

“Can I keep Maggie?” she asks.

“Of course, that actually works out great.” I pat Maggie on the head and scratch behind her left ear.

I try one more sip with the cream and sugar mixed in the coffee this time. I really do try to finish the sip, but I carefully spit the liquid back into the cup. Aunt Michelle covers her mouth to stifle the giggles.

“I tried. I just can’t drink it,” I explain. “I better get going so I can swing by the café and get some real coffee.” I pay for the cup of coffee and leave Kate a tip.

I retrieve my pumpkin from the cabin and pin the address Lisa texted me earlier this morning in my phone’s GPS. I open the mobile app for the café and order my gourmet coffee. I drive up and spy Zach’s blue truck parked out front. The pesky, half-dead butterflies in my belly flutter for a brief moment. I step out of the truck and smooth the mustard yellow and brown sweater dress I am wearing and check myself out in the side mirror before casually walking in the door.

I see the irritable young adult from the other day flirting with Zach. She shamelessly throws herself at him and giggles at everything he says. When he realizes someone entered, Zach turns and grins with a dazzling full smile. His perfectly straight teeth are mesmerizing. He takes a sip of his coffee and—

“Is that my coffee? Again?!” I interrogate. The barista fluffs her hair and begins busying herself with making a new drink.

“Relax, Sarah,” Zach says.