“Yes,” she says brightly.

“Great, it’s a date.” I laugh.Oh no, I took it too far. I’m not ready.

Sarah looks down at the card and I notice her cheeks redden. Oh, NO. She thought I really was asking her on a date. That was careless of me. Wait, is she disappointed? My mind continues to race, and my mouth goes dry. I reach for my coffee and almost drop it. As I take a sip, her expression darkens.

“Does that cup say SARAH?” she interrogates me. Oh dang, itwasher coffee.

“Oh, yeah. I grabbed the wrong cup this morning,” I say, hopefully sounding apologetic.

“Two days in a row?!” She pure venom.

“Um, well. . .”Quick, what do I say?“You have great taste.”

“OMG, now I recognize you! You stole my coffee in New York City too!” she hisses giving me angry cat vibes. “You were the one who bumped into me on the way out of the coffee shop. I can’t believe this.” She stands with furious speed.


She cuts me off. “Save it,” she barks. I totally screwed up. How in the world can I make it up to her?

“Hi Doc!” Michelle waves at me and walks over.

“Hey Mrs. Reynolds,” I greet her and hope my voice doesn’t betray me.

“I see you met my niece, Sarah,” she says with an odd twinkle in her eye. “I’ve invited your parents over for dinner next Thursday. I want you to come too.”

“Thank you, but—”

“I won’t take no for an answer. Oh! There goes Sarah! See you Thursday night at 6 p.m. sharp. Don’t be late, or Cookie might skin you alive.” Michelle waves goodbye.

I watch Maggie and the two women walk away. What on Earth just happened?



Maggieisseriouslythesweetest dog ever. She jumps in the truck with ease, almost like she has done this many times before. She sits next to me and just lays down calmly. On the drive back to the inn, I ruminate about changing her name.Susie … No, Sophie … No, Lexi … No.

I guess Maggie is the perfect name for her.

Why did Doc have to be so good-looking? I had to will the heat in my cheeks to stay hidden while talking with him. What would it feel like for his warm muscular arms embracing me and his hypnotic blue eye staring deep into mine? Ugh, but he’s so rude. And a thief. And entitled!

After a scrumptious early dinner of juicy chicken and broken lasagna noodles mixed with a lemony parmesan sauce and freshly picked peas, I get in the truck with plenty of time to spare. The afternoon air is cool but the sun still heats my face. It will be dusk soon and I know the chill will be epic. Thankfully, the sweater I chose should keep me warm enough.

The festival is in full swing now. As a participant in two activities, I have free unlimited entrance.

“Sarah! You made it!” Janelle waves at me.

“Hi Janelle, where am I supposed to go?”

“Come on, I’ll show you. I’m headed that way myself,” she says.

We walk to the far east side of the festival. A medium-sized crowd gathers in front of a makeshift stage.

“Alrighty now, how’s everyone doin’ this afternoon?” the man in a cowboy hat says.

“He’s the town sheriff,” Janelle whispers to me as he starts working the crowd with dad jokes.

“Ok now, what do you get when you drop a pumpkin?” Sheriff asks.