The woman jumps placing a hand on her chest. Her shoulders remain hunched and she won’t really look at me.
I bend down. “I am so sorry for scaring you.”
She rises, graceful as a ballerina, and finally looks at me with those gorgeous emerald eyes. My heart rate quickens again as I introduce myself.
“I’m Sarah.”
Oh no, I wonder if it’s her coffee I took.
“Would you like to get acquainted?” I say with a playful tone. I shouldn't be flirting. I'm not ready for a relationship, but I just couldn't help myself.
At first, she’s taken aback and her expression is mildly surprised.
“Sure.” She eyes me with slight suspicion.
My stomach clenches and a smile erupts from me unexpectedly. Maybe she's open to an invitation to dinner? When I let Maggie out and she runs at Sarah, my heart grows just a little more. “Aw, it looks like she picked you.” Animals are great judges of character. The fact that she likes Sarah is a good sign.
After convincing Sarah to sit with me at the counseling desk, the way she glances back at Maggie with a hint of sadness catches me off guard. It's endearing. I already know I want her to have Maggie, so I don’t bother with the normal checklist. I grab a blank piece of paper and put it on my clipboard. I tell her the process and then instruct her that it’s question-and-answer time.
“Are you married?”
“No,” she says.Check.
“Nope, not yet,” she replies.Hmm, open to children. Check.
“I just got a job with Lisa at the realty office. I don’t have my license here yet, but I plan to get it soon. I just moved here from New York City.”
“What brought you here?” I ask.
“Long story. . .” She looks away from me but continues, “I came to visit my aunt and uncle, but I really love it here and want to stay.”
“Who is your aunt?” I ask, intrigued.
“Michelle Reynolds,” she says. “I’m living in a cabin at their Starry Night Inn.”Great family. Check.
“I know Michelle,” I say, heart opening just a bit more. “She is one of the funniest and kindest people I know.”
Sarah grins sheepishly.
“What are your hobbies?” I ask, wanting to know even more about her. I love listening to her talk.
“Are these really the questions you have to ask? Or are you trying to get to know me?” Sarah inquires with a humorous tone.
“Oh, these are definitely the questions I have to ask. See?” I turn over the clipboard and chuckle.
“It’s blank,” she says with an entertained smirk.
“Caught me.” I wink. Am I flirting too openly? “I think you’re a great fit if you would like to proceed.” I continue to bring the conversation back to Maggie.
“Definitely,” she declares.
I instruct her on the rest of the process and honestly, I’m not sure what I’m saying at this point. I’m just staring at her and talking about vet appointments and shots and follow-ups. I grab my card, give her an appointment time on Tuesday, and write my personal cell number down.
I hand her my card. “See you on Tuesday ‘round lunchtime?”