“Oh, there’s Cindy. I’ll be right back.” She is such a social butterfly.
I meander around looking at all the adoptable animals. There are several selections available from dogs, cats, and rabbits to goats and even a rooster. There are a few people wandering around with dark blue shirts that say “volunteer” on the back. A pop-up tent sits at the edge of the area with a bright blue banner that says, “Adoption Counselors.”
Three volunteers appear to be huddling. There are two women and a man with his back to me. One of the women is Janelle. I wave, and she returns a bubbly one back. The man turns and wow, he is gorgeous. I smile and quickly turn away.No men.I return to my dog shopping. I love all the cats and dogs, but none feel quite right. I walk one more aisle and see the most beautiful yellow lab mix. She is quiet and wagging her tail at me. I squat down to her level.
“That one is my favorite,” a deep sensuous voice says.
I jump at the unexpected sound and stand up.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m Zach.” He extends his hand in greeting.
“Oh, no worries.” I giggle.Ugh, stop the giggling, mental head slap.“I’m Sarah,” I say as I shake his hand.
“Would you like to get acquainted?” Zach says with a sexy smile.
“Um, yes.” I hesitate.
“Perfect.” He starts opening the makeshift kennel and lets the dog out.Oh, he meant "get acquainted" with the dog. That was almost embarrassing.
The dog rushes toward me. I sit down from the force and she sits on my lap. She is the most snuggly dog I’ve ever met. She’s a hefty sixty pounds at least, but that doesn’t stop her from wanting to be a lap dog. Her yellow coat is thin, coarse hair like a German Shepherd, but she has floppy ears like a yellow Labrador. My heart almost explodes with joy. It’s love at first sight. This is the one.
“Aw, I think she just picked you,” Zach continues. “She is two years young, so she’s fully grown and healthy. She is also great with kids and other animals. What do you think?”
“I love her,” I say and look up at him. His soul-piercing, pale blue eyes are sparkling. He looks familiar, but I can’t place him.
“I’m one of the adoption counselors. Would you like to start the process?” he asks.
“Yes,” I say.
He puts my new companion back in the kennel until we finish the paperwork. I look back at her and swear she looks like she’s crying that I’m leaving. I follow him to his station at the tent. He has a makeshift office with a folding table and chair combo. There are only two adoption counselors. The other person in the tent is a cashier. He sits down and we go over all the paperwork and the questions about home, family members, and job. He starts asking some more questions that seem a little more personal than an adoption counselor would care about.
“Are these really the questions you have to ask? Or are you trying to get to know me?” I ask more flirtatiously than intended.
“Oh, these are definitely the questions, I have to ask. See?” He turns over his clipboard for me to see.
“It’s blank,” I say suspiciously.
“Caught me.” He winks. “I think you’re a great fit if you would like to proceed.”
He talks about the care and the rest of the process, but I am hypnotized by his voice and the way his mouth moves while talking. His eyes are like blue oceans dazzled by the sun.
He smiles at me and hands me a card. “See you on Tuesday?”
“Yes,” I say a bit too eagerly.
“Great, it’s a date.” He laughs.
Goodness, what did agree to? I look down at the card, and heat rises to my cheeks. It was a vet appointment card for Tuesday. Dr. Zach Walker. Apparently, he is also the town veterinarian. I need a rock to hide under, stat.
He shifts in his seat, awkwardly grabs his coffee, and then takes a sip.
“Does that cup say SARAH?” I ask a little angrier than intended.
“Oh, yeah. I grabbed the wrong cup this morning,” he says guiltily.
“Two days in a row?!” Heat floods my cheeks and I glare at him seething furiously.