“Ugh, looks like Doc must have taken your coffee. He just left,” she sighs. I glare at her silently until she continues looking exasperated. “Give me a few minutes, I’ll have to remake it.”

That is the third time someone has taken my coffee recently, and this Doc guy has taken it twice. Note to self: track down this guy and give him a piece of my mind. Seriously, how inconsiderate can one pers—

“Here.” The barista passes me the cup and interrupts my inner monolog.

“Thanks, um Whitney, is it?” I ask. She nods in reply, totally impressed with herself.

Ok then.I return to the truck and drive the short distance to the realty office.

Trixie greets me at the receptionist's desk. Her red hair is a bit of a frizzy mess and her glasses are bright red today. “Woah Sarah, you look livid.”

“What? Oh yeah, a little. Some guy named Doc keeps stealing my coffee; that’s two days in a row. It feels personal and I don’t even know the guy.”

“Oh wow. I’m fairly new in town myself, so I’m not sure who Doc is. That has to be so frustrating.”

“Yes! Thank you. AND The barista acted like it was inconvenient forher.I was the one who had to wait!” I exclaim. “Sorry, I’ve seriously given this too much real estate in my mind.”

Trixie giggles. “I love the pun. Let’s try to put a positive spin on this. What if this is the beginning of your love story?!”

Trixie looks like a teenage schoolgirl about to burst with the latest gossip. “Oh my God. Picture this: you’re angry, and you find this Doc guy. You’re about ready to chew him out, but before you can, he invites you to dinner. You agree because he’s gorgeous, and the sudden invite surprises you. It’s a wonderful night, you have so much in common, and you fall madly in love.” She squeals and does an excited hand clap. “It’s like a romance novel. We’ll call it Café Au Love. Get it? Like café au lait?!”

Trixie is entirely too excited about this, but it transforms my bad mood. I just met her, but I already adore her sweet demeanor and contagious excitement.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, Trixie. I want nothing to do with men right now. I just wasted the last three years of my life with the last guy and I’m in no hurry to repeat the same heartbreak. The only love I’m looking for is puppy love. I’m thinking about adopting a dog from the rescue this weekend. If I can find the right one.”

“Well, here’s the paperwork Lisa wants you to fill out. She should be here in about an hour.”

She escorts me to the lounge area. It’s an excellent combination of contemporary design with homey touches. The snake plant in the corner of the room adds to the vibe nicely. I sit in the comfortable pink faux suede chair at a table off in the corner. After signing all the papers, I return to the front just in time to see Aunt Michelle and Lisa entering.

“There she is!” Lisa exclaims. “All done with the paperwork?”

“Yes ma’am. Hi Aunt Michelle,” I reply. My aunt waves and gives me a big smile.

“Well, I think we should call it a day today! The opening ceremony of the festival is about to begin. What do you say we close up early and head out?” Lisa asks Trixie and me.

“That would be divine!” Trixie jubilantly responds.

“Done. You and Sarah go ahead and leave, and I’ll lock up in a bit. I need to finish a few things.” Lisa continues, “Michelle, can I catch up with you at the apple cider tasting?”

“Sounds great, Lisa. Text me when you’re ready,” Aunt Michelle says. I grab my bag and walk out with Trixie and my aunt.

“I’m going to go call my boyfriend. Maybe I’ll see you later?” Trixie asks me.

“Sure. See you later.” She gleefully dances off to her car.

“Let’s go check out the dogs,” Aunt Michelle declares. She locks her arm in mine and practically drags me across the street.



Thefestivalisalreadystarting to draw a crowd. Aunt Michelle skillfully snakes through the crowd and makes a beeline for the adoption area. “Aunt Michelle, how do you know how to get through a crowd so easily?”

She laughs. “Well, when Nate and I were in our twenties, we spent a lot of free time at concerts. You learn quickly how to do that when you want to squeeze in front and center of the stage.”

“I’m taking you next time Pepper has a concert nearby,” I enthusiastically reply.

We reach the makeshift kennels in no time. The glint of love in Michelle’s eyes is infectious. “I already talked to Nate. He said he’s on board for any pup as long as you love it.” She grins.