“Close,” Cookie replies, surprised. “Black cardamom. It gives that smoky feeling of bacon without the meat. You have an excellent pallet. I’m impressed.”
“This is ah-mazing. I don’t think I’ve ever had anything this delicious,” I tell her.
“Thanks, this is my great-grandmother’s recipe with some of my twists,” Cookie explains.
“COOKIE!” a panicked voice from the kitchen screeches.
“Oh no, what now, Domingo?!” Cookie runs back to the kitchen. I glance at my aunt with a raised eyebrow.
“She’s training a new young man. Apparently, he’s never baked a thing in his life and the only cooking experience he has is microwaving ramen noodles.” Michelle shrugs.
“Why did she hire him then?”
“She didn’t. I did.” Aunt Michelle continues, “His mom delivers the laundry from the cleaners. He’s very trainable, and I am positive he will soften Cookie up. She needs a protégé.”
“Hey, I just got back from Lisa’s office,” I say.
“Oh great. How did it go?” she asks.
“I got the job, and as soon as I get my license from this state, I can handle my own clients,” I say. “That’s what this guy is for.” I pull out the laptop and get the Wi-Fi password from her.
“Oh. Here, I picked up this flyer.” I hand her the paper. “I’m sure you already know all about it, but thought I’d share it with you.”
“Perfect. They’re doing the pet adoption again this year,” Michelle says. “Hey, what do you think about getting a dog? Our Sadie Sue, the red retriever we had, finally passed last year. I loved that old girl. I’ve been wanting a new pup, but I wasn’t ready. Maybe he or she can stay at your place in the evenings."
“Really?” I say. “Well, it’s definitely better than a boyfriend,” I laugh. “If we find the right one, I’d definitely love the company.”
“Excellent, we will meet up Friday afternoon and head to the opening ceremony then go dog shopping!” Aunt Michelle’s enthusiasm is contagious. “Oh, I’m going to go tell Nate right now. I’ll see you for dinner later.”
I smile. I love it here.
IamgratefulIthought to grab that coffee before work today. After a full day of goat surgery, de-worming kittens, a dog with a bowel obstruction, a cat with a urinary tract infection, and three spay cases, I am ready for Friday. My phone vibrates in my pocket.Oh boy, what now?
“Hello,” I say trying not to sound exhausted.
“Dr. Walker, this is Janelle from the animal rescue center,” the woman says on the phone.
“Yes, is there an emergency?” I ask and mentally prepare myself.
“Oh no, I’m calling to remind you that you signed up to run the adoption counseling at the Maple Days Festival tomorrow at 2 p.m.,” Janelle states.
“Yes, thank you, I almost forgot. I will be there on time.”
“Listen Doc, while I have you on the phone, it’s time for the annual pumpkin carving contest. We have a new entrant this year. She’s already staked a claim to the title. Can I sign you up to defend your title?” she jokes.
“Oh really?” I laugh. “I most definitely want to sign up then. While you’re at it, sign me up for any other competitions she’s entered. Unless it’s the pie competition; we all know Cookie is going to win that one.”
“Hahaha, yes Cookie’s going to be hard to beat. Ok well, Sarah signed up for pumpkin carving and apple picking. I just marked you down for both events,” Janelle explains.
“Sounds good. See you tomorrow,” I reply and disconnect the call.Who is this Sarah woman?
It’s Thursday night, which means it’s weekly dinner with the parents. I would much rather just go home and call it a night, but it’s a little late to cancel. I stop home and clean up. I put on my favorite yellow plaid shirt and head to their place. After Susie died, they moved to Vermont and encouraged me to join them here. At first, I declined, but after a weekend visit, I fell in love with Moonridge and the magic of the community. Plus, they were in severe need of a new veterinarian; the old doctor retired after a heart attack.
The drive to their place is short. It’s dusk now, and the fairy lights Mom has out front make the area seem magical. Dad's tow truck is elevated on some ramps and his feet are the only thing I can see from this angle.