“Oh yes, I’m in charge of set-up and organizing the competitions. Want to join one?"

“Hmm, maybe. I just saw Darleen in the coffee shop. She said something about a pumpkin carving contest?”

“Yes, and apple picking. And the pumpkin relay race. What can I sign you up for?” she looks eagerly at me.

“Well, I guess sign me up for the carving and apple picking. If I’m going to stay here, I might as well get to know the people.” I smile at her and actually feel quite excited. “Pumpkin carving is my specialty.”

“Excellent!” she says while jotting my name down for the events. “This reigning champion has won three years in a row. It’s about time someone gave him a run for his title.”

“Oh, well he better watch out, I’m coming for him. I’ll see you there.” I wave and head towards Lisa’s Realty.

The cheerful sounds of the residents clamoring in the square and my delicious coffee brighten my mood. The crisp autumn air is refreshing and a shimmer of excitement and hope shines from within. Lisa’s office is up the street like Darleen said. The big window out front depicts a curvaceous woman in her early sixties with a red business suit and a don’t-try-me smile. I like her pizzazz. I open the glass door and a bell jingles.

“How can I help you?” a young woman with bright red hair and adorable freckles greets me from the receptionist’s desk.

“Hi, I’m looking for Lisa,” I say, "I'm hoping I can work with her.”

“Um . . .”

“Trixie, I’ll handle this, don’t worry.” The human version of the large photo outside emerges from out of thin air.

“Are you Michelle’s niece?” Lisa asks.

“Yes, I’m Sarah.” I stick my hand out in greeting.

“I’m Lisa Tucker, the main real estate agent in town. Follow me,” she says.

Her office is hidden behind the receptionist’s wall.

She sits behind her enormous mahogany desk and motions for me to sit opposite her.

“Your Aunt Michelle said you might be able to help me out around here,” she says pointedly.

“Yes,” I eagerly reply and list all the qualifications that make me the best.

“Sounds great. I need you to get your Vermont realty license ASAP. With your qualifications, it shouldn’t take too long,” she says.

“In the meantime, I’ll need you to cover my receptionist, Trixie, at lunchtime. I will also need help scouting properties and showing properties. I will pay minimum wage biweekly and add one percent commission for any sales you help me with. What do you think?”

I’m surprised she doesn’t want a list of references. “Yes, of course. Should I start today?”

“Oh no, dear. Come back tomorrow morning at seven o’clock. I’ll have Trixie get the employee contract and everything ready for you to work on then.” She stands and shakes my hand.

This is by far the easiest job interview I've ever had. Sometimes when things are meant to be they're just easy.

I leave the office and decide to walk a bit and get a feel for the town. I scan the festival flyer: pet adoption rally, apple cider tasting, carnival rides, and the annual pie competition. Looks like everything starts tomorrow afternoon. Exciting.

There are a few things to take care of before all the fun tomorrow. That Vermont realty license isn’t going to research itself. I head to the main entrance of the Inn because Uncle Nate still needs to set the internet up at my place.

Aunt Michelle spies me as soon as I walk in. “Sarah, good!” She waves me towards her. “Come here and meet Cookie. She just whipped up a practice pie. Let’s sample it.” She rubs her hands together in delight.

“Hi, Cookie, I’ve heard wonderful things about you and this pie,” I say.

Cookie is in her mid-forties with perpetually rosy cheeks, brunette hair, and a personality as spicy as habaneros. Her curvaceous figure makes her more endearing, though. My mom always said, “Never trust a skinny chef.” My heart clenches a bit at the memory, being around Aunt Michelle makes me miss my mom even more.

“Nice to finally meet you,” Cookie says. She hands me a fork and passes me a plate with a pie. The crust is perfectly flaky, light, and tender. It’s expert-level good with a hint of maple and apple in the crust. The apple filling is soft but not mushy, and the strudel crumble topping is exquisite. The flavor is sweet but not overpowering and…

“Is there bacon in here?!” I question with piqued interest.